Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ash Wednesday + My Love Of Lent


Today is Ash Wednesday. A day where people often go somewhere and receive ashes on their forehead and are reminded that they come from dust and to dust they shall return or as I say we come from star dust and starlight and to star dust and starlight we return. While COVID means this looks differently this year, I still like Ash Wednesday. I think this is because in general I love faith based rituals that involve my senses, where there are things to touch, or taste, or smell. And in the before times (before COVID) there would often be multi-sense prayers stations available that fulfilled this need. I also enjoy Ash Wednesday because it marks the start of Lent.

Now I have to admit I am always more excited for Lent than almost anyone else on the planet. Lent is my Jam. I mean one year I ended up doing 3 rounds of Lent; during the traditional season of Lent, working through a Lent devotional over the summer, and then via Elul which is a Jewish month of reflection at the end of summer/early fall. Part of my love for Lent comes from the fact that I don't give up stuff, but instead I take on things. I like having an extended period of time that I can focus on self reflection as well as focus on checking in with myself spiritually.

I will always remember an article I once read that said something like we should see Lent in a more positive way, instead of giving something up, take on something like mindfully eating a strawberry each day. There is something really wonderful of this model for Lent that is focused on honoring the joys that God/Gods provide for us. Simply being miserable because we have to give something up for 40+ days does not seem to be the point of the season. I find being miserable is not a good way for me to feel connected to someone else or to someone else's story. Or as someone at one of church's I have attended said the point is not, not to eat sugar to lose a few pounds for Lent, but instead to do something that you are doing to grow in your relationship with God.

And often my goal each Lent is to try to feel more connected to God/Gods, feel more comfortable with where I am on my spiritual journey, and finally solve the problem of Jesus to my satisfaction.

How do you solve a problem like (Jesus)?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means (Jesus)?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

Do I feel like I make progress on these goals each year? Nope. Do I keep trying year after year? Yep. Do I find it some how meaningful to keep trying even when I don't succeed? Yes

This year I am doing a range of devotions:
  • Eastertide: Prayers for Lent through Easter from the Divine Hours (Physical Book)
  • The Ignatian Workout for Lent 40 Days of Prayer, Reflection, and Action (Physical Book) (40 sections so Sundays get skipped)
  • When Faith Feels Fragile: Help for the Wary, Weak, and Wandering (Physical Book) (40 sections so Sundays get skipped)
  • #LiveLent via the Church of England (App on my phone)
  • Plough Daily Devotions (Via e-mail)
I also plan on reading several books on my shelf on spirituality, and will be on the lookout for other lent activities offered online during this season. This does not mean that you have to try any of these ideas yourself but if you are open to the idea I believe it would be worthwhile to commit to spend 40 days on some type of spiritual journey. Lent is a powerful and fun season that we all can take advantage of. 

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