Thursday, November 21, 2019

25 DIY Holiday Countdowns

This is the season where you can buy Holiday countdown calendars for every taste from chocolate and tea, to wine and beer, to socks and fandom based ones. But while these come in nice packaging I find most are outside my budget so here are some non-traditional ones you can do on your own.

General Tips

  • There are many ways you can use this list from choosing one task to do the whole time, to picking one wider category to do each week, to doing a different task each day. 
  • It is often more fun if you create fun "packaging", this could be having a worksheet you can cross off or put a sticker on each day, or wrapping in newspaper and decorating items so you have something to open each day.
  • Some of the below tasks have examples, use these or choose your own. 

Physical Wellness

Take a multi-vitamin each day

Drink 8 glasses of water each day: Water Challenge

Exercise for 5 mins: Jumping Jacks , 2 min Abs , Wall Sit  ...

Eat well: Fiber Challenge , Home Cooked Meals, Make a different breakfast/lunch/dinner each day

Self-massage: Yoga for Self Care

Mental Wellness

Gratitude journal: Daily Gratitude Challenge

Meditation: Meditation For Inner Peace , 1 Min Meditation Challenge

Yoga: 1 Min Yoga , Yoga With Adriene Calendar

Get enough sleep: Go to bed on time

Go outside every day


Read one poem/short story/article each day

Write/Draw/Build/Create/Paint/Compose one piece each day

Sing one song each day (Shower and non-shower singing counts)

Listen to a different music station each day

Learn about a topic you want to know more about. (Futurelearn , Edx , Coursera ...)


Donate 1 item each day

Toss 1 item each day

Delete 10 extra emails a day

Do an inventory of your house to see what can be shared with others

Do an inventory of your time, how can you do one small thing towards a larger goal you have


Donate to a different charity each day (Can be small amounts $1, $3, $5 ...)

Share the good works that a charity you care about does on social media, one charity a day or one fact about a charity each day

Post 1 inspiring quote each day on your social media

Write a personal letter to someone each day

Leave something in a tip jar every day