Saturday, December 21, 2019


Today is the Solstice
The Longest Night
The Shortest Day
A moment to sit in our own pain
And the pain of those around us
This is not easy or fun
But important work
Important work

At some moment in time
We all feel pain
We all face sorrow
We all have our hearts broken
This may be the season for you
This may not be the season for you
But either way
You are Loved and You Belong

Some mark this time with candles
For others silence and reflection
Some don't mark this day at all
But no matter what
Be gentle this day
Gentle with others
Gentle with yourself

I hope you all are having a good Solstice and a good official start to winter. If this is a time of celebration celebrate if this is a time of another emotion know you are not alone. 

As I was reminded at a Longest Night service earlier this week where the individual readers we struggling to light the candles and each became a group project, sometimes you are not light your own candles, sometimes you need others to help you. Know that needing help is a sign of strength. 

No matter how today find you know you are strong and wonderful and loved and belong

Monday, December 16, 2019

Holiday Pause

Breath in ... 1, 2, 3, 4
Breath out ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

December is already halfway through, and I will bet you have a lot of things on your to-do list right now. Maybe your list is filled with Holiday activities or maybe family and friends, or maybe self-reflection and planning for a new year. But no matter what is on your list I am guessing you are either running around right now or experiencing FOMO (Fear of missing out), either struggling to fit everything in or struggling to fit anything in.

So I suggest you Pause, right here in the middle, right now, just Pause. 

Go for a walk
Have a cup of tea
Take a nice shower/bath
Use nice lotion
Do some yoga
Have a glass of water

Or if those seem like ideas that take too much energy, simply breath in and out slowly. Yes, it is December, but you must take time to Pause, to simply breath.

Breath in ... 1, 2, 3, 4
Breath out ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6