Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goodbye 2023 ...


Today is New Years Eve a time when we tend to look back on our past year and see where we feel like we succeeded and where we feel like we have failed. This is an important time to remember one of the mythic story of Utgarda-Loki where it appears that Thor, Loki, and their traveling companion failed a series of tests but:

Even though they lost all of the contests, all of them performed great feats unachievable by mortal men. Loki was competing against the fire itself (Logi – ‘fire’ in Old Norse), but nonetheless he was consuming his food nearly as fast. Thialfi raced against thought itself (Hugi – ‘thought’ in Old Norse), and despite that still made it half way to finish line. The other end of the drinking horn from the feasting contest was connected to the sea, and Thor drank a good half of it before setting the horn down greatly scaring the giants that he would drain it whole. Even the cat was no ordinary pet but the World Serpent in disguise, and Thor still managed to lift part of it in the sky over the already depleted sea. As for the final challenge, the elderly woman was aging itself (Elli – ‘age’ in Old Norse) and Thor took an eternity to be defeated by it.

So no matter how you think you did in 2023 I am here to tell you, you have preformed great feats. I do not know what 2024 will bring you, bring me, or bring the world but I know we all we continue to perform great feats. In this time of reflection know you are amazing and wonderful. I hope you have a good 2023.


New Years Eve 2023 
by Dreaming Ace

On this New Year’s Eve
As you reflect on your past year
Remember, the Utgarda-Loki tale

The challenges you have faced
The moments you feel you have failed
The “throw away the plan” days

Were days you faced off against fire
Or raced thought itself or consumed the Ocean
Were days you were succeeding

Succeeding even if you didn’t know it
Even if you didn’t see it or feel it at the time
Succeeding even if you didn’t know it

If you are currently alive
You have succeeded in 2023
You will succeed in 2024

No matter how drained
No matter how deeply tired
No matter how lost you were

If you are currently alive
You have succeeded in 2023
You will succeed in 2024

Succeeding even if you don’t know it
Even if you didn’t see it or feel it at the time
Succeeding even if you don’t know it

On this New Year’s Eve
As you reflect on your past year
Remember, the Utgarda-Loki tale

The challenges you have faced
The moments you feel you have failed
The “throw away the plan” days

Were days you faced off against fire
Or raced thought itself or consumed the Ocean
Were days you were succeeding

Monday, December 4, 2023

"Gentle, Gentle" Holidays

It's December which is a month filled with holidays and holiday activities for many of us. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of this time of year we can become overwhelmed and need to pause. We need to be "gentle, gentle" with ourselves at this time of year. If you are so overwhelmed you don't know how to pause here are a few suggestions.

  • Pause and take a few deep breaths
  • Move a little: go for a walk, stretch, do yoga, kickbox etc. 
  • Drink a hot beverage: tea, hot cocoa, etc.
  • Read something for fun
  • Put a yule log up on your computer or TV
  • Listen to a fun holiday mix of music
  • Watch a fun holiday special
  • Take a nice warm shower
  • Use some nice lotion
  • Order a meal in
  • Take a nap when needed
  • Get whatever you are feeling out via journaling, or physical activity, or a creative activity
  • Make sure you are eating 
  • Remembering this Christmas does not have to look like last Christmas. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

10,000 Deaths: Heartbreaking Milestones


According to NPR:

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has reached a gruesome milestone: More than 10,000 people have died in Gaza in the four weeks since the conflict began.

On Monday, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported more than 10,000 people killed — most of them women and children — in the besieged territory.


While every single death in war is a death too many, I know when numbers get that big it is hard to conceptualize so I translated what 10,000 deaths would be equivalent to for different countries* since Gaza's population is small so the same number of deaths mean a greater heartbreak for Gaza then other countries with larger populations. The collective impact of say losing 1 in a million people is different than say 1 in a thousand which is different from say 1 in a hundred. 

About half a percentage of those living in the Gaza Strip have been killed

(The Gaza Strip has a population of about 2 million, so 10000 is about half a percent)  

Half a percentage of those living in Israel is about 46,820

(The population of Israel is 9.364 million) 

Half a percentage of those living in the US is about 1,659,500

(The US population is about 331.9 million)


So if the conflict happened here in the US it would be the equivalent of losing the population of

San Antonio 1,472,909


Philadelphia 1,567,258


Phoenix 1,644,409


About twice the causalities of the US civil war

10/16/23 c

By Dreaming Ace

The problem with wars that last generations

You can always find a reason to continue fighting

The other side is always doing something

That you believe somehow “justifies” war

“Oh my god, enough!

Now you listen to me…

I said enough!

I’m sick of all this fighting!”*

We will never know who threw

The first stone, or at least the first stone 

After Europe told you two to cage fight 

Over a bit of meaningful but arid land

No no no no no!

No, you don’t!

When you have a problem you come home

You don’t go off and make matters worse on your own*

You DO NOT take hostages

You DO NOT prevent humanitarian aid

You DO NOT launch rockets

You DO NOT create modern day apartheid

You DO NOT target civilian’s only possible escape routes 

You DO NOT choose genocide as an answer

“Oh my god, enough!

Now you listen to me…

I said enough!

I’m sick of all this fighting!”*

“Because it's always the same. 

When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, 

You have no idea who's going to die. 

You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. 

How many hearts will be broken! 

How many lives shattered! 

How much blood will spill until everybody does 

What they're always going to have to do from the very beginning -- 


*”Enough” from In The Heights

*The Doctor's War Speech from Doctor Who

 *All population data differs slightly depending on the source but the over all truths are the same

Friday, October 27, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Ace Fandom

Fans have interpreted a wide range of characters as being Ace or Aro (Sherlock Holmes, The Doctor (Doctor Who), ...) and some amazing writers/showrunners have said that either a character is Ace or Aro or at least open the door for that interpretation by fans. 

I will always love Neil Gaiman's response when answering questions about the characters in Good Omens:

Neil Gaiman @neilhimself

I wouldn't exclude the ideas that they are ace, or aromantic, or trans. They are an angel and a demon, not as male humans, per the book. Occult/Ethereal beings don't have sexes, something we tried to reflect in the casting. Whatever Crowley and Aziraphale are, it's a love story.

But all-in-all few characters are openly Ace or Aro so when we see such a character especially when it is a positive portrayal it tends to make us feel seen and very happy. (I know there have been a few openly ace characters recently but I am not a big fan of teenager relationship dramas so a few I only know from other peoples comments about those shows)

One example of an Ace character I love is Spooner from Legends of Tomorrow. Spooner's "coming out" is neat on multiple levels.
  • The word Asexual is actually used (It is nice NOT having her Asexuality be open to interpretation, it is not "she is not into those things" which could be ace or could be something completely different but they actually use the word asexual)
  • The "coming out" is taken seriously, it is not laughed away but it is NOT trauma filled and feels pretty realistic to me, you run into the concept and go "Oh I guess this explains my experience"
  • While we can't be 100% sure, since Legends of Tomorrow was cancelled soon afterwards, based on how other Legends of Tomorrow character's sexuality has been portrayed Spooners asexuality would not have been forgotten by the show nor would it be her only story. 
  • It is nice to have someone who is BIPOC be ace because I feel like when characters are identified as ace it tends to be white characters which could give others the mistaken idea that asexuality is only for white people which is 100% NOT True. Anyone from any background can be ace or aro.

Zari 2.0: I think we have a few minutes before the next try. So smash, marry, kill. Nate, Gwyn, Gary? 

Spooner: Um... No, not... not... not really into any of them. 

Zari 2.0: Copy, okay, how about Sara, Ava, Astra? 

Spooner:  Not... not... not really into any of them either. 

Zari 2.0: Also copy. Okay. What is your type? 

Spooner: You know, I don't really get those types of feelings for anyone. Maybe it's one of those things those mushroom aliens messed up about me, huh? ( Chuckles ) 

Zari 2.0: Hey, no, no, no. What you're describing is totally normal. It just means maybe you're "Ace".

Spooner gives a confused look

Zari 2.0:  Asexual, people who identify as Ace have little or no interest in sеx but many of them still want to be in relationships. 

Spooner: Wow, uh... ( Chuckles ) I guess that makes me Ace. 

Zari 2.0: OMG, did you just come out to me? 

Spooner: I guess I did. 

Zari 2.0: Yeah. 

Spooner: Okay, well, okay, first of all, who would have thought you'd be the first person I'd tell? 

Zari 2.0: Not me. 

Spooner: Okay. 

Zari 2.0: Cheers. ( Both chuckling )


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Symbols


Today I will go through some of the symbols of asexuality.

I have to say I really like the colors of the asexual pride flag (in part because my favorite color is purple) First officially used in August 2010, the asexual pride flag consists of four horizontal stripes: black, gray, white, and purple from top to bottom. Black represents asexuality, and gray signifies the gray area between sexuality and asexuality. The white stripe denotes non-asexual partners, and the purple stripe stands for community.

Asexual cake is an emoticon and symbol associated with asexuality and communities of asexual people online. It’s association with asexuality comes from the idea that cake is better than sex. Because of this, it has become a pride symbol for asexual people, used to express their asexuality and as an in-joke within the community

Wonderful dragons have become a symbol of the asexual community even though why exactly is a bit murky. It seems like it started as a thing on tumbler that got absorbed into cannon. For some it is because dragons are often considered mythical in a similar way to how asexuality is consider mythical to many allosexuals. For others it is because if you are not going to have a story focus on sex including a dragon will keep it interesting. In other cases it is because some ace characters are known to like dragons. I love dragons so I am completely happy with claiming them as an asexual symbol.  

The only piece of jewelry I wear is an simple ace ring. I started wearing one to show the world I was ace but know that few people even within the ace community know what my ring means so it really is just symbolic for myself.  The tradition of wearing a black ring on the right-hand middle finger can be traced back to AVEN. As early as 2005, people were discussing this style as a way to identify other ace folks in public. Black was chosen to be a neutral color, and the right-hand middle finger is supposed to prevent any conflict with other symbolic rings. The design of the ring does not matter, though the most common style is a simple band. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Defining Myself


Today I will expand on how I currently define myself within my ace identities

Sexuality: Ace

For me of my ace identities, being Ace is the most clear cut. I do not experience sexual attraction and or sexual desire. (Sexual attraction as defined as attraction that makes people desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).) I have never looked at someone or read about a character and wanted to touch reproductive organs together. 

But I am interested in why individuals choose to engage in sex. And reading fanfiction (especially queer fanfiction) is one of my special interests so I have a very well-rounded understanding of the concept of sex (I know the mechanics, a very wide range of kinks, proper BDSM etiquette from safe-words, to hard and soft limits, to the need for aftercare especially sub-drop)

I do always find it interesting that I have a deep knowledge base around sex and more than once have been able to define and explain the thought patterns behind kinks etc. to others. Basically no matter what you do sex wise assuming it is between consenting adults is fine with me while I know none of it is my cup of tea when it comes to actually participating.

I will say since most of my sex exploration is via fanfiction or fictional portrayals sometimes I forget that sex is something that people outside of fanfiction/fictional characters do in real life and am surprised when I am reminded that other people have sex and even enjoy sex too. LOL

Romantic Orientation: Fictoromantic? Aromantic? Demi-Fictoromantic?

If I wanted romance it would be with fictional characters so I would say I'm Fictoromantic? but of my ace identities my romantic orientation is complicated and unclear. For me this is because "romance" is less defined. For example sex usually (though not always) involves interactions between reproductive organs, wanting to interact with reproductive organs, or sensations involving reproductive organs. 

On the other hand how would you define romance/romantic behavior? If you go by Wikipedia "Romance or romantic love is a feeling of love for, or a strong attraction towards another person, and the courtship behaviors undertaken by an individual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions." But that is not helpful if you love "love" but don't necessarily want to be courted.

What one person considers romantic in one context is considered creepy in another context. For example in The Script - The Man Who Can’t Be Moved the main character says they will stay on the street corner because they believe a girl will change her mind about loving them, where as when people actually do camp out in front of peoples houses after being dumped it is considered being a stalker. 

Defining romance seems to involve the intentions behind an action. I love eating chocolate but buying chocolate for myself is not typically defined as romantic. I like nice smelling candles but when given to me by my parents not it would not be considered romantic even though my parents love me. So even with fictional characters* while I would not mind being given chocolates, candles, or flowers I do not know what intention I would want them to have behind giving me those things. Oh defining romance beyond you know it when you see it is almost impossible.

What I would want in a relationship?: Ficto-queerplatonic relationships?

When it comes down to sexuality and romantic orientations I feel like it really is trying to pin down what type of relationships you are seeking with others. I would say for me I overall am seeking queerplatonic relationships with fictional characters*. 

I want a kind of plantonic intimacy that includes drinking tea together, having long conversations, leaning on their shoulder as we both sit on the couch while we read our own books, being understood even when words are not available ...

And I think I am drawn to fictional characters because I can easily get overstimulated/peopled out by other people so I want to be in relationship with characters who are always there when I need them but are not there when I need space/quiet/alone time

*Fictional Characters broadly. I sometimes include real people in this category who I have an fictional relationship with or have created my own version of RPF (Real person fiction or real people fiction) stories in my mind. So they might be "real" people but I interact with them on a fictional level and even in cases of ones I have met at conventions I would not really want a relationship with them just the idea of them I have in my head.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Definitions


Language around asexuality/aromanticism is more nuanced and complex than you might think. (I will write about trying to define myself tomorrow) In June of 2022 I went into much of language that has been created around being ace in Expanding Asexual Identity Language but for this ace week post I will stick to a few general highlights 

(Note I am taking definitions from various websites so wording will vary)

Sexual attraction

Attraction that makes people desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).

Romantic attraction

Attraction that makes people desire romantic contact or interaction with another person or persons.


Asexuals do not experience sexual attraction and or sexual desire. Some people might confuse this with celibacy, however it is not the same. As celibacy is a choice, where as being asexual is not. "Ace" is often used for asexual.


Aromanticism is a romantic orientation characterized by experiencing little to no romantic attraction. The term "aromantic", colloquially shortened to "aro", refers to a person whose romantic orientation is aromanticism.


Allosexuality means feeling sexual attraction towards others. Basically if you are not part of the asexual umbrella you would be allosexual.


A demisexual is someone who experiences sexual attraction only after establishing a close emotional and/or romantic bond with another. This should not be mixed up with ‘deciding not to have sex until knowing someone better’. Demisexuality is not a choice. They cannot feel any sexual attraction before a close connection is formed.


Graysexuals (or greysexuals) experience sexual attraction infrequently. Some graysexuals will only experience sexual attraction only once or twice in their life. Others might experience this more often, but in general still not nearly as frequent as an allosexual.


A fictosexual falls under the asexual umbrella as they do not experience sexual attraction to (real life) people. Fictosexual is a term used for people who experience sexual attraction exclusively towards fictional characters. Or, alternatively, whose sexuality is influenced by fictional characters.


Fictoromantic, is an umbrella term for anyone who experiences exclusive romantic attraction toward fictional characters, a general type of fictional characters, or whose romantic orientation is influenced by fictional characters.


Queerplatonic relationships and queerplatonic partnerships are committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature. They may differ from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms, similar to a conventional romantic relationship.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Happy Ace Week: What Is Ace Week?

Happy Ace Week Everyone. Now I have to admit I forgot that this week was one of my weeks until my LGBTQA+ church posted about it. Thank you for the reminder. There is something powerful about a week where people from around the world are celebrating who I am. In addition Ace Week is important because so many people still do not understand what being Ace is all about. This week I will do a series of posts around Ace Week. 

So what is Ace Week? Here is a great summary via

Ace Week (founded as Asexual Awareness Week in 2010) is an annual event that puts asexuality in the spotlight. Part celebration of the progress we’ve made as a community, and part campaign for greater understanding and acceptance of asexual-spectrum identities, Ace Week is a time to focus on all things ace*.

The ace community has made significant headway over the years. Asexual representation in mainstream media continues to improve, major LGBTQ+ organizations now acknowledge and include us, and ace community groups have sprouted up and flourished in cities around the world. Ace Week gives us an opportunity to recognize these achievements and the efforts that made them possible.

Though we have much to celebrate, the fight for visibility and acceptance is still ongoing. Ace identities are often overlooked or misunderstood, and many aces still grow up not realizing that asexuality is an option. Since the issues aces face are directly influenced by their other marginalized identities, many in our community—especially aces of color, disabled aces, and aces with other LGBTQ+ identities—can face significant barriers to equality and acceptance.

In light of this, aces all over the world participate in Ace Week by creating educational resources, sharing information on social media, and organizing community events. These global initiatives serve to raise awareness, spread information, and spark discussion about ace identities. More and more people discover ace communities each year, and with them, find acceptance, comfort, and joy.

*The word ace refers to identities that fit within the asexual spectrum, and to the individuals who hold those identities.

Friday, October 20, 2023

"Gentle, Gentle" Days Are Key

My roommate has been gone this week so my goal was to do a combo of "staycation" activities (so I felt like I was on vacation too LOL) and "spread out" activities since I had the apartment to myself (for example working on writing my holiday etc. cards since I could spread out my cards on pretty much every surface in the apartment and not be in my roommate's way LOL)

I have been going pretty non-stop this week, and yesterday hit a wall and realized that while I still had lots I had wanted to get done this week, that I had accomplished a ton, and needed to take a "gentle, gentle" day before jumping into a busy weekend.

As Wentworth Miller put it in some of his Instagram posts this summer:

gentle, gentle
slow, slow
thoughtful, thoughtful
flow, flow

I find following this advice/wisdom/rhyme has been really helpful and reminds me to take time for "gentle, gentle" days. (Similar to how following Captain Cold's four rules "make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan" is helpful because it turns changes to plans into the plan itself.)

This feels like a good time to practice having multiple things be true at the same time which is a concept being highlighted in some of the communities I am involved with.   

I am not likely to accomplish all I set out to do this week AND I accomplished a lot of things (many I was not originally planning on.) 

I have several things "due" this weekend (Finishing a book for book club on Sunday, getting the main part of the apartment nice and tidy for when my roommate returns) AND I need to be "gentle, gentle" with myself

I know having a clean and organized space can reduce stress AND cleaning and organizing can cause stress so I know by the end of the weekend my space will not be as cleaned and organized as I hoped it would be 

So today I am taking a "gentle, gentle" day. I am going to rest and renew myself. I am going to work on reading and cleaning etc. but in micro chunks (read one chapter, put away 10 items etc.) If you are in the middle of a busy season (or will be in the middle of a busy season which is pretty much everyone come the end of the year lol) make sure you take regular "gentle, gentle" days.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Language Is Complex


This week there has been an interesting conversation going on one of the Instagram accounts I follow. The particular conversation is not important but it is a conversation about words, identities, and the difference between what words mean and how they are commonly used. 

For the purposes of this post I will expand on the tomato metaphor though of course on Instagram it was not about tomatoes.

Someone posted a quote "Fruit and Tomatoes" from some unknown source and said you mean "Fruit and Fruit" Fruit includes tomatoes and always has. 

There are a wide range of responses from statements that go "Tomatoes are not fruit" to people going but what about "sundried tomatoes" or "tomato sauce" or "are you saying that other things like olives, eggplant, pumpkin etc. are also fruit? to statements that go "when I am holding a tomato it feels like it is different from when I am holding a fruit" 

There are also responses that go "When listing what ingredients I need for a recipe saying I need fruit when I need a tomato will not get me what I need for the recipe." 

And others have mentioned "well in my context the only way to get tomatoes is to go to a vegetable store, because we don't have any fruit stores, and the rare fruit stores we do have do not have tomatoes" 

All which highlights the complexity of language. 

Sometimes being part of a large group is vital, if we are fighting for fruit rights, tomatoes should be included both in those who are fighting as well in the demands that the fruit group is fighting for.  

Sometimes being really specific is vital, "I need a jar of imported from Sicily sundried tomatoes in olive oil, rosemary, and garlic for this recipe"

Finally sometimes the best we can do is use a term that is false but explains our needs the best. "I am making a veggie tray and need assorted vegetables including tomatoes" or "Tonight for dinner I both need several types of fruit And tomatoes"

So all in all this week has been a week where I keep thinking about language, the language we use to describe ourselves, the language others use to describe us, how both types of language are always in flux, and how often language is used in such a general manner that it even gets more confusing. All the different interpretations of the metaphoric statement "Fruit and Tomatoes" has been giving me a lot to think about. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Coming Out/Coming In Day

 Coming Out/Coming In
By Dreaming Ace

We live in a world where once again
Our truths are being criminalized
Who we are is being criminalized
Loving ourselves
Loving others
Is being criminalized

Because people are afraid 
Of our boldness 
Of our belovedness
Of our self-knowledge

Because people are afraid
Of living
Of love
Of joy

Because people are afraid
Saying the word Gay makes people Gay?
Providing gender affirming care 
Is anything other than the totally right thing to do?

Today is a day where we speak that we should come out
But for all too many of my siblings that is unsafe
Coming out means being willing to be a flag bearer
As the air is filled with harm

So whether you come out this day
So whether you come in to yourself this day
It does not matter

You are loved
You are beloved
You are wonderfully made

So whether you come out this day
So whether you come in to yourself this day
No matter what anyone else says

You are loved
You are beloved
You are wonderfully made

So whether you come out this day
So whether you come in to yourself this day
No matter it can feel like our existence is being criminalized

You are loved
You are beloved
You are wonderfully made

Happy coming out/coming in day

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

World Mental Health Day 2023

Today is World Mental Health Day. 

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2023 is 'Mental health is a universal human right.' This subject emphasizes the necessity of assuring that everyone, regardless of age, socioeconomic class, or background should have access to high-quality mental health care and support.

World Mental Health Day
By Dreaming Ace

Minds are odd little things
For every time our brains only see the good
There is a time that they only see the bad

Minds are odd little things
For every time they know we are never alone
There is a time they only know isolation

Minds are odd little things
For every time they see clearly
There is a time that they lie to us

And we all experience both/ands
We all hold multiples truths at the same time
Where life means everything And Where life means nothing at all

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness,
It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair”*

Mental health includes wisdom of others**

"gentle, gentle
slow, slow
thoughtful, thoughtful
flow, flow"

Mental health includes listening to our selves

What do our minds need?
What do our bodies need?
What do our souls need?

Mental health includes connecting to help

An understanding ear

'Mental health is a universal human right.'

No matter if we walk with
Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation, Self Harm
PTSD, Schizophrenia, Eating Disorders, Addictive Behaviors 
Bipolar Disorder, Panic Attacks, Burnout

'Mental health is a universal human right.'

No matter where we might find ourselves walking
As Asylum Seekers and Refugees
In War Torn Lands and Economical Disinvested Communities
As Undocumented or as those Kidnaped by Governments

'Mental health is a universal human right.'

No matter what we might see on the walk
racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism
No matter what we might not see on the walk
Anyone who we thinks understands

'Mental health is a universal human right.'

We all deserve to understand our minds
We all deserve to feel connected, in community
We all deserve to be seen, be heard, be listened to
We all deserve to tell our stories
We all deserve access to support

*A tale of two cities
**Wentworth Miller

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Let Freedom Read ...

(Picture of part of a display at my local library branch)

October 1-7 is banned books week this year. Banned Books Week is an annual event that highlights the value of free and open access to information. I am lucky, my library system, the Chicago Public Library declared itself a sanctuary for endangered stories, and established Book Sanctuaries across 77 distinct neighborhoods and 81 library branches last year. Each Book Sanctuary provides opportunities to expand local access to banned or challenged books.

This includes displays highlighting commonly banned books all year not just for banned books week. This also includes a wide range of events. Last year's One Book One Chicago was Maus by author Art Spiegelman when that work of literature was being widely and publicly banned in many places. This week there is a traveling performance group presenting Books On The Chopping Block

The City Lit Theater Company presents a theatrical display of iconic banned and challenged books in celebration of Banned Books Week 2023. Learn about some of the most popular banned/challenged books of 2022 and decide for yourself - should these books be banned from having anyone read them? What would it be like to have a book banned in your school or public library?

All to often books are banned for LGBTQ+ content because they are deemed "explicit" but the fact that characters sometimes think about sex, hooking up, kissing someone or use words such as Gay, Trans, Gender Fluid etc. does not mean something is "explicit." The same is true for stories that reference the fact that most humans have genitalia of some kind.

I am Ace, sex was rarely on my radar BUT I was never traumatized by stories that mentioned sex or characters interested in sex. Youth who are already thinking about sex are even less likely to be traumatized because the occasional awkwardness or awkward giggling generally does not traumatize kids. And kids are NOT traumatized reading how different people fall in love with people of different genders. 

Banned Books Week is the same week as Mental Illness Awareness Week and during LGBT History Month and while each is its own thing it is fitting that all of these overlap since in many ways they are interconnected. 

When books are banned or students are prevented from reading those books it is often because they contain LGBTQ+ content (see the list of top 10 challenged books from 2022 below) and when youth are taught that being LGBTQ+ is somehow wrong (because that content is banned) they often internalize the message that they themselves are somehow wrong instead of beloved and wonderfully created, and this internalized homophobia, transphobia, etc. often leads to mental health challenges.

Here is a link to a number of actions you can take in order to fight for the freedom to read.

Let Freedom Read
By Dreaming Ace

Honoring this banned book week
Is even more important than typical
When record numbers of books
Are being banned

Banned because they dare
Dare show the wonderful and multifaceted
Face of humanity, Face of people
Dare to show reality

Banned because they dare
Dare show that bad things happen
That people get hurt, get wounded
That trauma is truth sometimes

Banned because they dare
Treat all people, Treat all kids
As if they are human beings
With wants and needs and thoughts and dreams

So many contested
 Because of LGBTQ+ content
Books celebrating all our LGBTQ+ siblings
From today or yesterday or centuries ago or tomorrow

Kids can handle challenging idea
Kids can handle things they don't know
Kids can handle knowing everyone is different
Kids can handle stories including LGBTQ+ content


Kids Are Gay, Are Lesbian, Are Bi, Are Pan
Kids Are Trans, Are Gender Nonconforming, Are Gender Fluid
Kids Are Ace, Are Aro
Kids Are Queer, Are Questioning

Allowing kids to see themselves
Themselves in the stories they read
Or see their friends and family in those stories
Is important, Is vital, Is necessary

Otherwise all too often kids will
Internalize that they are different
Wonder if they are broken
Wonder if they are wrong

Otherwise all too often kids will
Feel like they are all alone
With whatever is inside their heads
Wonder if they should exist at all

This week is banned books week
But also Mental Illness Awareness Week
The data proves why showing kids they are not alone 
Can be a matter of life or death

45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year*
Nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide*
LGBTQ youth who live in a community that is accepting of LGBTQ people 
Reported significantly lower rates of attempting suicide than those who do not*

This years banned book theme is "Let Freedom Read"
This week read a contested or banned book
This week write a letter or email or op-ed
About why banning books is so harmful, hateful, traumatizing for kids

Let Freedom Read
Let Freedom Read
Let Freedom Read

Monday, October 2, 2023

Welcome October Wisdom


We have entered the month of October:

October Poem By Dreaming Ace

Cool breezes of fall will arrive
October’s wise wisdom is soon upon us
A month clearly focused on magic
Yoga calendar states the theme of Ease
At church a month focused on Gratitude
Planner states “Seek Joy in the little things”
A month honoring reading banned books
Magic, Ease, Gratitude, “Seek Joy”, Read
October’s wise wisdom is upon us

For me October is often a full month. I try to do something loosely Halloween based everyday. This can look like reading a book, seeing a film, going to a talk at the library, watching a Halloween episode, listening to a podcast etc. This means when I get to Halloween itself I have evidence that I fully immersed myself in this season of magic. 

I hope you are able to find ways to experience magic at this time of year. 

In addition this year all signs point to the importance of taking this month to deeply root myself so that I am all warm and cozy come winter. 

Rooting in Ease. 

Rooting in Gratitude. 

Rooting in Joy. 

Some of this is trying to get ahead on a few projects, some of this is taking inventory, some of this is simply taking the time to pause and reflect as the seasons turn. 

Or as Wentworth Miller recently posted on Instagram:

gentle gentle
slow slow
thoughtful thoughtful
flow flow

8 words aloud every day all day as often as required realigning 
regulating calming + cooling as tides rise temperatures too

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Good Changes Can Still Be Draining

Lots of little things are causing me to feel a little drained/low energy. I know I will soon find new patterns and feel more settled which will help my brain and body to not have to expend so much energy processing and therefore should give me more energy.

But I was talking to a friend about how while so far this fall I feel like I have been doing less than in the summer somehow I feel more tired/sluggish/slow moving. I feel like it is helpful to remind ourselves how common this is so that we can be "gentle, gentle*" with ourselves.

We got to talking about possible reasons I have been more tired:

  • Changing Patterns and Rhythms
    • Right now I find myself between the summer patterns and rhythms I had and the fall patterns and rhythms I will have. So I am in some liminal space where patterns and rhythms are still changing/morphing which brings its own stress for my nuerowild brain.
  • Days Getting Shorter
    • Yes the days are yet to get shorter for a while yet but I have been noticing how much shorter the days already are when compared to the peak of summer.
  • Decluttering 
    • I have worked really hard to declutter recently and my room is in a good place, I still have a few boxes of stuff I need to find homes for but I have decluttered enough that my desk and floor has been clear for almost 2 weeks (which is an accomplishment for me) 
    • Decluttering and having a place for everything actually does help me keep organized. 
  • Decluttering Mindset
    • Since I have been working so hard to declutter and put items up on our local Buy Nothing Group, I have found I am less excited about going to events that I would simply go to for the free stuff. I will always go if there is free food, music, massage but if I am only going to get another tote bag, pair of sunglasses, design catalogue ... it seems more like junk. 
    • Note with tote bags I still have like 25 so I am not anti-tote bags or anything I just don't need 50-60 of them taking up space in my room LOL
  • Silly Physics
    • A body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest
    • In the summer I record what I do in a spreadsheet because I try to do 100 summer activities (this year I did 114.) This gets me to do more because I want to reach 100. I don't keep track of activities the same way the rest of the year.  (And my summer list is sustainable for the summer but would not be sustainable to keep updated all year round)

In the end I think it is clearly All The Above. Lots of little things that have built up and are causing me to feel drained. I know I will soon get new patterns and feel more settled which will help my brain process everything. But I think it is useful to sit and process what I am experiencing because it helps me be "gentle, gentle*" with myself.

*A phrase that Wentworth Miller has been posting recently on Instagram.

Monday, September 11, 2023

"Talk Away the Dark"

National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual week-long campaign in the United States to inform and engage health professionals and the general public about suicide prevention and warning signs of suicide. Thos year it runs from Sun, Sep 10, 2023 – Sat, Sep 16, 2023

"Talk Away the Dark" is this year's theme for National Suicide Prevention Week, Day, and Month. This theme emphasizes the idea that being open to talking about this crucial subject can lessen stigma, do away with shame, and function as a source of inspiration and hope for those who are struggling.

Here is a couple of people talking about suicidal ideation, suicide, depression, etc.
Please only watch/listen if you have the bandwidth/spoons to do so.
These are important conversations but please skip if you might be triggered.

A. Patton Oswalt - Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time - Supermarket Depression

In this clip from a Patton Oswalt (who plays Matthew in Netflix version of Sandman) comedy special he discusses being suicidal in a supermarket. I learn about this clip after listening to Episode 1 of Depresh Mode with John Moe. Note this is part of a comedy special so there is laughter even though suicide is not a funny topic but sometimes telling a serious story with humor can help it reach more people.

B. Lydia Loveless Keeps Laughing and Writing About Suicidal Ideation

This is a recent Depresh Mode episode where Lydia Loveless an singer/songwriter talks about having what I would call chronic suicidal ideation. This is another conversation where humor is used to talk about heavy topics.

This is a post I wrote for this blog in 2020 that covers the personal stories of various people talking about suicidal ideation etc.

This is a 2016 this wonderful interview with Graham Moore covers depression and suicidal ideation (Starting at the 8th min mark and running to the 22nd min mark)

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Celebrating "Gentle" Books

I read a lot of books and one category I love is what I call "gentle" books. These are books filled with little to no drama of any type. The type of book that is a joy to read and leaves you feeling refreshed and hopeful. 

The most recent "gentle" book I have read is the really fun Legends and Lattes about an orc starting up a coffee shop in a city that has never seen coffee before. (Thanks Three Avenues Bookshop for the recommendation)

After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her sword for the last time.

The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals stand in the way of success — not to mention the fact that no one has the faintest idea what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she won't be able to go it alone.

But the true rewards of the uncharted path are the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancient magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed. 

I came up with the term "gentle" books after reading the Monk and Robot books which just are lovely. In many ways these are like having an relaxing philosophical conversation with a friend, over a cup of tea, while walking in the woods.

On a moon called Panga where AI and robots are a distant myth, Dex is an adventurous and friendly tea monk who travels the human-populated areas of their moon meeting villagers and townsfolk. Dex custom-blends tea to fit the people's needs and personalities, and they confide their misgivings to the monk. One day Dex, seeking a change in their routine, travels into the wild and meets a robot named Splendid Speckled Mosscap and they are thrown into a road-trip with a question on their minds: "What do people need?"

I was first introduced to Mushishi via some episodes that were up on Netflix at the time and then I discovered it was based on a series of books which I then read all of. (I am glad I read them when I did because now most of them are no longer in my library system) Both the show and the book are very "gentle" and will have extended moments where you for example see Ginko walking in the woods, watch snow melting, watch plants growing etc. 

The series is an episodic anthology with no overarching plotline in which the only common elements are Ginko and the Mushi. Ginko is a man with one green eye, who not only can see various types of mushi but also attracts them. Because of this ability, he is constantly wandering. He appears to have a generally laid back personality, however, he can be very serious and focused on his work when it comes to protecting people from mushi. He stresses that the mushi are not evil, but merely trying to survive like everyone else. A majority of the stories do not focus on Ginko but rely on him as a catalyst to move the story forward by diagnosing or curing mushi-related illnesses and phenomena.

I really enjoy reading "gentle" books and am always looking for more to read. So what are your favorite "gentle" books? What "gentle" books would you recommend others to read. Leave me a message so I can share other "gentle" books because I think most of us would enjoy reading more "gentle" books.