Friday, February 26, 2021

Creating Magic


On Facebook I ran across this quote:

I believe in magic. Almost everyone does, though most don't acknowledge it, and some deny it vehemently. But as a matter of anthropological and psychological fact, we are hard-wired to draw emotional comfort from non-rational ritual, be those rituals religious or social or personal. Ritual works; for my current purposes, the metaphysics are not relevant. And the knowledge that non-rational ritual can have concrete results is something that you can use for practical purposes, and THAT is what I think of as magic. (P.D. Haynie, February 25, 2017)

Which spoke to me as someone who is often drawn to rituals, rituals as stated in the above quote which can be "religious or social or personal." I find myself collecting rituals from many different places and reaching for different rituals at different times. 

  • Celebrating Lent or Advent or Elul really intensely. 
  • Wanting to create patterns in how I get through my daily to do lists. 
  • Enjoying drumming and fire spinning at full moon jams. 
  • Celebrating every time we reach a new month as a mini New Years. 
  • Turning my POP Captain Cold figure into a talisman/patron saint/protector who watches over me and freezes internal and external conflict/negativity in my life and can bless me. (And yes I know the character Captain Cold would probably not be happy being called a patron saint but we can use as much artistic license as we want when we are creating our own personal magic)
I have found magic and have dedicated myself to this magic. Magic is all around you if you look for it, and even if you don't look for it. As the seasons begin to change, this is a good time to think about how you will create more magic. What rituals will you create so that you can know this magic? Embrace magic and ritual. 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Spiderverse/Arrowverse Purim Story


My first memory of Purim was going to a free Purim story sketch comedy show and when we left we faced tables and tables of sweets and candy. I had to say for a free event I had found online I was really impressed. In the spirit of that event here is my version of the story of Purim as a Spiderverse / Arrowverse crossover.


There was the Reverse Flash (Haman) who wanted to be a classic big bad guy and wipe out a group of people because he was jealous that the king liked and listened to Uncle Ben (Mordechai). Yes the Reverse Flash (Haman) really needed a hobby like gardening or knitting. The Reverse Flash (Haman) in a moment of extreme anti-interfaith work tricked the king to make a rule everyone should bow down and worship the king, knowing that the Jewish community would refuse to do so and he would have an excuse to wipe them out including Uncle Ben (Mordechai).

Now Silk (Esther), a young Jewish woman, was going about her business as queen. Uncle Ben (Mordechai) sends a message that she must become a superhero and talk with the King about what is happening and save everyone. Silk (Esther) was a little worried because she knew the Kings audience room was protected by The Montgomery 3000.

Well, we're looking at a 25-ton door that can withstand a 30-megaton nuclear blast. And aside from being bombproof, the Montgomery 3000 can only be unlocked by a voice recognition system necessitating from three different pass codes from three different people as if that weren't enough, the thing costs $10 million to build. (The Flash: Infantino Street)

And most of those who tried to enter the King's audience room ended up super dead. But Uncle Ben (Mordechai) reminds Silk (Esther) that she comes from a long line of superheroes and if she does not step up everyone will die because it will destroy time or something. Silk (Esther) is convinced and cue a long montage of getting ready with all her friends (Sarah Lance, Gideon, etc) (Extend period of prayer). Silk (Esther) also remembers: 

There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan." (Captain Cold in The Flash: Infantino Street

So Silk (Esther) goes to speak with the king and she is successful and breaks in within 30 seconds. (Yes beating Captain Cold's time in The Flash: Infantino Street but he did say he was out of practice.) And after speaking to the king and showing the true identity of the Reverse Flash (Haman) saves the world, and time, and the multiverse, and the story.

The End

Roll Credits

Monday, February 22, 2021

What Is Friendship?


Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four
(When I'm Sixty-Four by The Beatles)

Yesterday in church we were discussing friendship and how to maintain and grow new friendships in the time of COVID. This got me thinking about my own relationship with friends and I made a few realizations about myself. 

  • I tend to have friends in real life find/pick me, instead of me going out to find/pick friends. Even going back to school generally it has been the other person who made the first move. Typically it follows a similar path of someone going I see you have been around a lot and you seem like a cool/interesting/creative person we should be friends/we should talk more/tell me more about your story.
  • In addition the majority of my friendships are actually unilateral. Many of my friends are fictional characters, inspirational actors or writer, or historical figures who I will never meet in person and who beyond my daydreams will never know I exist. I think part of this is people are often too "people" for me and with these unilateral friendships I have more control over when and how I want to interact. Plus they are available at any time day or night, no matter if I want to process something significant, share something silly and random, or just want to watch the inspiration talk they gave that is up on YouTube over and over again.
  • Also many of friendships are context bound. Once someone has moved on/or I have moved on from the context we were friends in they slip into another category. They will remain on my send cards to list, and I will like some of their Facebook posts etc. but our friendship is on another level compared to when we were within the same contextual bubble. And I do not reconnect over those bubble too often. Just because we shared a context 5 or 10 or 15 years ago does not mean we can just pick up where we left off.

Now as Wentworth Miller said in his talk/interview at oxford:
I’ve had friendships (chuckles), I’ve been a good friend to people, and when a friend is in crisis, I know how to be there for them, I know how to hold space that looks like listening, it looks like support, it looks like back and forth, maybe it just looks like a hug, maybe it looks like being silent and just holding their hand. I know how to do that for a friend.
I too have had friendships and have friendships today and I think I am at least pretty decent at being a good friend to others. In some ways I think I may be better at being a good friend to others than accepting others being a good friend to me. I find personally giving to others is easier than accepting from others.  

So going back to the title of this post if you are not clear about what friendship is, it is ok since I am really not sure myself. Instead of pretending I have answers I will leave you with a few questions instead. And if you know a solution beyond "42" please share :) 

  • What does friendship mean when it is Unilateral?  Bilateral? Multilateral?
  • What people, things, ideas, dreams can be our friends?
  • How do we maintain context bound friendships when outside that context?
  • How do we balance letting others befriend us and going out to befriend others?
  • What can we learn from this time of COVID about friendship?

Friday, February 19, 2021

Tradition and Comfort


As I start this season of Lent with several daily tasks, consider what books I want to read, and what other activities I want to do during this period, I am finding I am reaching for tradition and comfort. 

  • Rereading a book I was introduced to by a high school English teacher 
  • Rereading books that I picked up when I was in Namibia for Peace Corps
  • Reading a book that was my mom's which she gave me several years ago.
  • Reading several classic texts
  • Trying my hand at the whole "Fishy Friday's for Lent" (Not meatless because fish is still meat no matter what some traditions say :) )

I am doing somethings like reading Eastertide by Phyllis Tickle which is a personal tradition for Lent, and reaching to prayers and activities that are traditional for others but which I have never really done much with.  

I am also finding that the books I am planning to read are not as diverse as I usually would make sure my books are. While I could choose to be upset with myself instead I am recognizing that right now is a moment that I feel drawn to both tradition (traditional things for me and tradition is a bigger broader sense) and things that are bringing me comfort. 

I am forgiving myself for reaching for comfort right now instead of intense theological debates and exploration. I will continue to read diverse books when Lent is done and make sure the year on balance is filled with more diverse books than non-diverse books but I also recognize that after a year of COVID it is normal to want to reach for comfort instead of challenge. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ash Wednesday + My Love Of Lent


Today is Ash Wednesday. A day where people often go somewhere and receive ashes on their forehead and are reminded that they come from dust and to dust they shall return or as I say we come from star dust and starlight and to star dust and starlight we return. While COVID means this looks differently this year, I still like Ash Wednesday. I think this is because in general I love faith based rituals that involve my senses, where there are things to touch, or taste, or smell. And in the before times (before COVID) there would often be multi-sense prayers stations available that fulfilled this need. I also enjoy Ash Wednesday because it marks the start of Lent.

Now I have to admit I am always more excited for Lent than almost anyone else on the planet. Lent is my Jam. I mean one year I ended up doing 3 rounds of Lent; during the traditional season of Lent, working through a Lent devotional over the summer, and then via Elul which is a Jewish month of reflection at the end of summer/early fall. Part of my love for Lent comes from the fact that I don't give up stuff, but instead I take on things. I like having an extended period of time that I can focus on self reflection as well as focus on checking in with myself spiritually.

I will always remember an article I once read that said something like we should see Lent in a more positive way, instead of giving something up, take on something like mindfully eating a strawberry each day. There is something really wonderful of this model for Lent that is focused on honoring the joys that God/Gods provide for us. Simply being miserable because we have to give something up for 40+ days does not seem to be the point of the season. I find being miserable is not a good way for me to feel connected to someone else or to someone else's story. Or as someone at one of church's I have attended said the point is not, not to eat sugar to lose a few pounds for Lent, but instead to do something that you are doing to grow in your relationship with God.

And often my goal each Lent is to try to feel more connected to God/Gods, feel more comfortable with where I am on my spiritual journey, and finally solve the problem of Jesus to my satisfaction.

How do you solve a problem like (Jesus)?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means (Jesus)?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

Do I feel like I make progress on these goals each year? Nope. Do I keep trying year after year? Yep. Do I find it some how meaningful to keep trying even when I don't succeed? Yes

This year I am doing a range of devotions:
  • Eastertide: Prayers for Lent through Easter from the Divine Hours (Physical Book)
  • The Ignatian Workout for Lent 40 Days of Prayer, Reflection, and Action (Physical Book) (40 sections so Sundays get skipped)
  • When Faith Feels Fragile: Help for the Wary, Weak, and Wandering (Physical Book) (40 sections so Sundays get skipped)
  • #LiveLent via the Church of England (App on my phone)
  • Plough Daily Devotions (Via e-mail)
I also plan on reading several books on my shelf on spirituality, and will be on the lookout for other lent activities offered online during this season. This does not mean that you have to try any of these ideas yourself but if you are open to the idea I believe it would be worthwhile to commit to spend 40 days on some type of spiritual journey. Lent is a powerful and fun season that we all can take advantage of. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day. Today is a day to celebrate Love. And love can look like a lot of things not just the traditionally romantic love. I have written a collection of 7 poems which explores this complexity of Love. Note: The 7 poems are loosely based on the 7 chakras.

Love Part 1 of 7

Our cores are Love

Love is at the deep center

We are beings of Love

Love is at the root of everything

No matter what we look like

No matter our mental health wellness

No matter if anyone else can see it

Love is at the root of everything

We are beings of Love

Love is at the deep center

Our cores are Love

Love Part 2 of 7

Creative Love, Intimate Love

Love across times and multiverses

Fictional and historical and real

All join together to encourage us

Encouragement soaked in Love

Creative Love, Intimate Love

Love across times and multiverses

Love Part 3 of 7

Love is knowing you rock

Love is knowing you got this

Love is knowing you are amazing

Love is showing yourself grace

Love is showing yourself kindness

Love is showing yourself you are doing your best

Love is doing self care

Love is doing self expression

Love is doing self exploration creatively

Love Part 4 of 7

Find Love in Relationships

Relationships with people

Relationships with characters

Relationships with ideas and dreams

Find Love in Relationships

Relationships with our bodies

Relationships with our minds

Relationships with our souls

Find Love in Relationships

Relationships with time and history, and Gods

Relationships with space and the multiverse

Relationships with stars, and skies, and seas

Find Love in Relationships

Love Part 5 of 7

Love your story

Love your history

Love your voice

Your story matters

Your history matters

Your voice matters

A story of Love

A history of Love

A voice of Love

Your story matters

Your history matters

Your voice matters

Love your story

Love your history

Love your voice

Love Part 6 of 7

There are more types of Love

Than included in your philosophy

Affectionate Love and Enduring Love

Familiar Love and Romantic Love

Playful Love and Obsessive Love

Self Love and Selfless Love Too

This is a season of Love, All Loves

Celebrate Love in all its forms

Love Part 7 of 7

You are Beloved, You are Loved

No matter your struggles

No matter your Loves

No matter your dreams

You are Beloved, You are Loved

No matter things present or things to come

No matter powers, or height, or depth

No matter anything in creation

You are Beloved, You are Loved

The Gods say

The Goddesses say

The Spirits say

You are Beloved, You are Loved

Friday, February 12, 2021

Lunar New Year


Happy Lunar New Year 2021: The Year Of The Ox

The Mythological Roots Of The Year of The Ox: 

While for many people in the west the animals chosen for the Chinese zodiac and the order of those animals might seem arbitrary, in areas where the Lunar New Year is celebrated there is some really cool mythology and it comes down to a great race.
The Ox was supposed to be first

The ox is the second animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle, but it should have been the first. The reason for this comes from the mythological tale of the Great Race.

This story tells how the Jade Emperor, one of the most important Taoist gods, held a race where the first 12 winners would be chosen as the royal guard. The winners of this race ended up as the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac in the order that they finished.

The rat was initially in the lead but was unable to cross the river, so it tricked the ox into giving it a ride. It stayed on the ox’s back all the way to the finish, but then the rodent jumped down and scampered to the emperor first.

As a result, the rat became the first animal in the cycle, with the ox relegated to second.

The Meaning Of The Year Of The Ox:

The year of the Ox is believed to be a time when hard work (like the work done by an Ox) will be rewarded more than usual and is considered a good time to work extra hard on projects in our lives.

Also unlike the Year of the Rat which is traditionally a year of turbulence in which change and disasters are commonplace The Year of the Ox is traditionally a calm, stable, and economically prosperous one. This is good news considering the 2020 we all have experienced.

How The Lunar New Year Is Celebrated?

Traditionally, New Year’s eve and New Year’s day are reserved for family celebrations, including religious ceremonies honouring ancestors. Also on New Year’s day, family members receive red envelopes (lai see) containing small amounts of money. Dances and fireworks are prevalent throughout the holidays, culminating in the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated on the last day of the New Year’s celebrations. On this night colourful lanterns light up the houses, and traditional foods such as yuanxiao (sticky rice balls that symbolize family unity), fagao (prosperity cake), and yusheng (raw fish and vegetable salad) are served.

8 Ways To Celebrating Virtually This Year 

Saturday Feb 13th

Pasadena’s Pacific Asia Museum is hosting an afternoon of online activities, including streams of lion dances and performances, as well as craft workshops.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles is hosting its annual Golden Lunar New Year Parade virtually. It’s the longest-running Lunar New Year parade outside of China, starting in the late 1800s.

Lunar New Year Festival at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art  is an free 12-hour pre-recorded broadcast on February 13 from 10am EST through 10pm EST. (some videos will be available on the 12th as well). From art making classes to online performances, puppet shows and talks, there are a whole lot of activities to browse through. 

Multiple Dates

Sunday Feb. 14 and Feb. 28: The Bowers Museum is having a virtual family festival for Chinese New Year. There will be performances, a recipe and an art project.

Asia Society's virtual celebration: Learn how to make an Ox hat and dumplings or, perhaps, revel in a traditional lion dance when celebrating with the Asia Society. The festival is free and open to the public, with new content released on February 12, 13, 19 and 26.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Chinese Cultural Institute and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America join forces in celebrating the Year of the Ox online. Attendees will be able to stream video performances and demonstrations of traditional Chinese crafts

Lunar New Year family festival with the Museum of Chinese in America runs from February 11 through February 19, all members of your family will delight in the museum's roster of events, which include arts and crafts sessions, author meet and greets, noodle history videos, talks and more. 

Year of the Golden Ox with the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company, kicking off on February 11, Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company's celebrations will include traditional Chinese dances, a folk ensemble and much more. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Creators stop being abusive and toxic

Creators Stop Being Abusive And Toxic

 Creators of fandoms we love

Please stop

Turning out to be abusive

Please stop

Turning out to be toxic

Please stop

Creating hostile work environments for others

We need fandoms

To provide us support and understanding

To provide us the ability to see ourselves

To provide us the ability to escape when it gets to be too much

We need fandoms

Yes we can enjoy and critique fandoms

In an never-ending and intertwining dance

But creators stop being abusive and toxic

If we love your work

The least you can do

Is be a decent human being

Who treats others well

Creators stop being abusive and toxic

And breaking our hearts

Monday, February 8, 2021

Support Networks


I have been thinking about the importance of support networks in all their shapes and sizes and squiggles. For example some of the support networks I have tapped into recently include:

  • Roommates who took care of me 
  • Friends, Family and Friends of Friends who also took care of me 
  • Church members who prayed for me
  • My teddy bear who gives great hugs
  • My weighted blanket which brings calm
  • Classic speeches by Wentworth Miller reminding me I'm never alone in my head or in my thoughts and giving advice on what to do with all that stuff in my head
  • Numerous fanfiction across multiple fandoms where characters can put into words things that I struggle to, experience things I can't experience myself, etc.
  • Writing to Wentworth Miller in my journal to process what I am feeling/thinking and reminding me someone always understands what I am experiencing
  • Daydreams including Captain Cold, and Pete and Chasten
Support Networks look different for each and every person. It does not matter what your support networks look like as long as you find support networks that work for you. We all will have moments when we need to lean on our support networks because we can not do something alone, so it is vital that we recognize and cultivate support networks ahead of time. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Energetic Movement


Since January ran away from me because of COVID, I restarted my Ganesha Deck at the start of February. I use my deck as a daily changing art/mediation display, and each day I flip to the next card. Today's card happens to be Energetic Movement. 

Today I have been able to make a little progress on a few projects I am working on, grocery shopping (the first extended period outside my apartment in 3 weeks aka beyond tossing things in the trash can outside), laundry, some freelance work, and starting on some cleaning. In addition while the projects I am working on are not going to be done today I do feel like I am making progress which feels good. 

My hope for you today is that you find some energetic movement in your day. That might look like accomplishing something on your to-do list, or simply being able to see the situation or challenge you are facing with new eyes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Congrats Secretary Pete


It is nice to have some good news to report. Pete has officially been confirmed as Secretary of Transportation and is the first out LGBT individual confirmed for a cabinet level position. (Now we wait and see about Dr. Rachel Levine who would be the first transgender cabinet-level individual)

It is so cool to see Pete confirmed because I feel like I know him and Chasten (and Buddy and Truman of course) like friends based on how open and vulnerable they have been in their various books. This is the power of making people feel seen and heard. This is also the power of providing us new ways to process our own histories and our own lives.

(Random fact the one time I was in South Bends for a Leaders in Transition program at the University of Notre Dame was during his first year as mayor though of course that was like 6 or 7 years before I had any idea who he was)

So Congrats Secretary Pete and thanks for everything you have already done, and everything you are going to do. And I will do my part by following the Rules of the Road including Belonging, Boldness, and Joy which is my personal goal for the year. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Rebooting After COVID


Well I am really glad we have made it to February. I lost half of January when I ended up getting COVID. I am truly grateful for everyone who came out of the woodwork to help me through COVID. 

This also has been a time where I feel like my life has been rebooted and I am back to factory settings. So I am processing where I am in my life, where I want to go next, and what steps I have to take to get there. That can be challenging when you feel like you have been going through the motions and when at the same time you don't want to over do it.

For this year I dedicated myself to focus on Belonging, Boldness, and Joy so that is what I am going to go back to for this life reboot. 

So no matter how well you have been doing with your resolutions, or how much you have been struggling, today is the first of a new month, and a great time to try again. Show yourself mercy, kindness, and love (February is the month of Love) as you process your life, look where you want to go next, and figure out what steps you have to take to get there. And really small steps are still steps in the right direction, it does not matter the size of the step just that you take a step.

Know that I believe in you and I hope you believe in me too. May you have an amazing fresh start this February.