Monday, July 27, 2020

Dream's Power To Reframe

Over the past several weeks I have have had the opportunity to have many a friend visit my sleeping dreams including My Pete Buttigieg, My Chasten Buttigieg, Misha Collins, Benedict Cumberbatch, River Song, Maze, Tom Ellis's Lucifer (Repeatedly) .... 

These dreams are moments of hope and energy, and empowerment in an otherwise messy and complicated moment of time (Yes I mean you 2020).

These dreams and other daydreams I have, remind me how dreams and characters can help us reframe our lives and our experiences.

Sometimes we find that we are stuck and we are not sure how to reframe our experiences so that we can work through our internal stuff and keep going.

If you find yourself stuck think about what your characters/figures would say about what you are experiencing:

  • Would they give you a Hug? Make you laugh? Give you a shoulder to cry on?
  • Would they quickstep with you? Or slow dance? Play the piano? Give a makeover?
  • Would they have deep conversations? Fight for your justice? Encourage you?
  • Would they say you are beautiful/handsome? Or maybe "Hot"/"Sexy"? 
  • Would they energize and move you to action? Or would they simply understand?

Sometimes when we are caught in liminal spaces and we have trouble writing the next chapter of our lives because of some type of "life writing block" we can write/imagine our life's fanfiction:

  • What would happen if a character/figure was inserted into your life? 
  • What would we want to change? What would we want to keep the same? 
  • Where would they see you going in the future? What would they make you feel?
  • Who would they call you to be? Hero*? Fighter? Survivor? Companion? Queen? God? "Good as Hell"?

Recently I have been grateful for Dream of the Endless, who keeps sharing his library filled with all the stories that have ever been dreamed, volumes that do not exist in the waking world. And grateful for all those who have been stopping by for a few minutes of comfort and encouragement within those dreams. As I stand in this liminal space called 2020 I will anchor myself to these guides and guardians and protectors. We are never alone. I am never alone. You are never alone. Raise a cup in cheer.

*Note some of the linked songs use unneeded gendered language for who fits in the role of hero etc, In truth heroes, etc fall on the whole spectrum of gender, male-identified, female-identified, non-binary or gender non-conforming. Any pronouns used in the songs can be substituted for, in order to better fit you and your identity. 

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