Friday, July 31, 2020

4 Steps To Prep For Nov 3 Election

This week there have been some wild suggestions by some leaders which were a reminder that we all have to prep for the upcoming Nov 3rd Election which is only 90+ days away. While in some ways it will be an election like any other time, in some ways this election may look different than ones in the past so it is important to prep so we do not face unpleasant surprises.

1. Confirm you are registered to vote. 

Are you registered? 
If not what do you have to do to register? 
If not when do you need to register by?
If yes have you doubled checked you have not been removed in a voter roll purge?
If yes have you double-checked that your information such as current address is correct etc? 

2. Have a plan for how you are voting. 

Can you vote by mail? 
If so when must you request a ballot (see above)? 
Are you voting in person? 
Where is your polling place? 
How are you getting to your polling place? 
Do you need child care or to ask time off from work so you can vote? 
What are you going to do if there is a long line or other delays? 
How are you going to stay safe during COVID?

3. Do your research.

What political roles will you be voting for on the national, state, and local levels? 
What is the job description of each of these roles?
What policy choices will you be voting on? 
Which candidates align with your values? 

4. Supporting Democracy

How can you help support democracy? 
Can you be a poll worker? 
Can you be a poll watcher?
Can you help register people to vote? 
Can you create info sheets or social media posts about any changes during this election such as if polling places have moved? 
Are you in a financial position that you can support a candidate you believe in? 
Can you volunteer your time to make calls?

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