Wednesday, December 30, 2020

DYI New Year's Eve

Typically there are two types of people on New Year's Eve, though who are out partying, and those who stay all cozy at home. This year we are all going to be cozy at home. But don't imagine that means you can't live it up on New Year's Eve. Here are some suggestions.

Make your own holiday crackers. You can use old toilet paper rolls or just rolled up paper if you have any. You can make paper hats to put inside, and put what ever you have available as a treat (such as a tea bag, a piece of candy etc.), plus make sure you don't forget to add a really bad joke/pun to make it feel authentic.

Make a charcuterie platter.  This does not mean you have to go out and buy lots of additional food. In many cases it comes down to simply how you present the food you have. For examples for my roommates I am going to make black olive and carrot penguins to share. Taking the time to make your dinner look really nice will add a nice festive touch.

Fire is always a way to make an evening feel fancy. If you have a real fireplace or firepit light it up. If you have candles enjoy. If you do not have either search on YouTube and find the perfect fireplace for you. Some are simply, some have music, and some are based around a particular fandom which is always fun.


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