Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Change Things Up for 2021

So as we find the New Year is almost upon us this is a great time to consider changing things up for 2021. For me this is involving changing up my space. I have been cleaning and moving a few items around in my room such as moving some small bookcases around as well as the placement of a few pieces of furniture which is giving my space a new feel. Part of this comes as I read a book on how various people have designed their homes and both gaining inspiration and gaining anti-inspiration (I am not sure what some of these individuals were thinking LOL) 

I feel it is important every year to find ways to demarcate time and periods of time but after everything that has happened for good and bad in 2020 I feel this is even more true today. The great thing is you can make your space feel new even if you have very little time or resources.

1. Moving a few small pieces of furniture around. 

It is surprising how moving something from one spot in a room to another can really change the feel of the room. For example my room now feels more streamlined with a touch of elegancy while still being cozy.

2. Changing the sheets on your bed.

It will be nice to slip into fresh sheets as you fall asleep on New Years Day. If you have extra layers you might also consider changing the blankets on your bed, or maybe keep the same blankets just put them on in a different order.

3. Think creatively about your space.

What is working well and where are your pain points. For example I used to always throw my coat on my desk chair which meant I did not use my chair as much as a chair, I now have a spot in my closet for my coat and am already using my chair more as a chair. Also consider what you wished you had such as a cozy nook and see what you can create using what you have.

4. Anything can be used to decorate.

Sometimes when we think decorating we think about something we would have to buy but most of us have stuff in our homes/apartments we can use. For example as I was organizing I found some paper that was designed for scrapbooking that I rescued from someone long ago. I have taken one piece of the paper and am using it as art on my wall (Trick a combo of push pins and binder clips make a great way to hang things that you will want to be able to change out, and paper items you do not want to poke holes into) and plan on switching it out each month adding a continuously changing spot of color. 

5. Change scents.

If you are unable to try the above for any reason you can always change things up simply by lighting a new candle or using some incense or burning some sage.


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