Saturday, November 12, 2016

What do I stand for?

Image result for quill pen

What do I stand for?

The Pen
Which has been mightier than the sword
Since the beginning of time
Is my power
Is my strength
Is what I shall pick up 
Here in our time of need

I stand with

The Weapons of Love
The Weapons of Creativity
The Weapons of a Writer
The Weapons of a top notch Dreamer

I stand for

Black Lives Matter
Hispanic/Latinx Lives Matter
Asian Lives Matter
Native American Lives Matter

Flesh Of My Flesh

Muslim Lives Matter
Hindu Lives Matter
Jewish Lives Matter

Bone Of My Bone

Immigrant Lives Matter
LGBTQA Lives Matter
Refugee Lives Matter
Woman Lives Matter

Blood Of My Blood

I take this pen
I take these words
I take my story
And dedicate them 
To fighting for Justice and Love

Join Me
Join Me
Join Me

You Shall Not Stop Me

I will write #NonStop on Love
I will write #NonStop on Justice
I will write #NonStop on Compassion

This is where I stand
This shall be my legacy
This is how I write myself into the story

Those standing with me
On the side of Justice and Love and Compassion
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You

Those standing before me
I suggest you move
Or you will find exacly how sharp a pen can be

I will make Hamilton's pen
Seem dull and slow
In comparison

Hope in three stories

Image result for hope

It was the 1970's and my future congregation wanted a women pastor. We asked for one and were told "Nope, that would be too hard to do". We went "That was not a suggestion". We refused to pay. We had a lock-in. We protested long and hard enough that finally the regional church leadership called uncle and sent a woman. And today church leadership still remembers. As new issues have come up, when they find themselves between us and justice, they step aside because they are a bit afraid of what we can do.

It was the 2000's and a popular priest on the south side of Chicago who was known for rabble-rousing for justice was told "So move along, get along, Move along, get along, Go! Move! Shift!". And the priest said No. He is still in his congregation working on issues such as Gun Violence and Drugs and Community Safety.

It was the 2000's and a congregation in Chicago housed a woman and her child for a whole year within the church to protect them from deportation as a modern day continuation of the Sanctuary movement from the 1980's.

I share the above stories because last weekend I promised family members that I would make them feel better not matter the outcome of the election. 

I believe that the above stories show that while hate can be supported. hate can be legalized, hate can be normalized. Love is always stronger and No one can force us to hate. Let's build communities like my congregation where those on the wrong side of Justice and Love are a bit afraid and leave us be.

Now I am not bragging per say but in the past 4 days, I have found multiple ways to be on the side of Justice and Love. 
  • I have donated to 6 different charities
  • I have written anonymous notes saying "Know you are Loved. Let others know they are Loved, Fill the world with creativity, justice, compassion and Love" which I left for every department at my place of employment, 
  • I also handed out these notes at various restaurants I have gone too, to CTA employees, to Theater Volunteers ....)
  • As I walked home from downtown I danced to a street corner marching band and was honest and said: "I don't have anything to donate right now but can I give you a Hug" and gave all 5 members a Hug.
  • Later in my walk I ran into someone collecting for charity and I gave them a hug too
  • I ate dinner at a Family Run Mediterranean Restaurant, using my money to support communities I care about.  
  • I wrote a letter to my faith traditions regional leadership calling them out for not speaking to the pain and fear that so many are feeling right now as a result of the election.
  • I am finding ways to use my pen as a weapon for Justice and Love (see my next blog post)
I hope these give you ideas on how to be on the side of Justice and Love Too. While hate is a large multii-tentacle creature acts of Love can be small but meaningful. This is good news which should make us all feel better. Now go out and Love

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Yes Indeed, You Are A Writer, Yes You.

A Lin-Manuel Tweet from September

For many writers the month of November means NaNoWriMo. A month-long writing challenge. 

I am not participating this year, (I seem to participate every other year), because I am working on multiple writing projects and word count is a poor metric right now for me to use. 

But I love the idea of NaNoWriMo, and it is cool to have a novel draft, or a novella draft, completed in a month. The key to NaNoWriMo is to simply write without editing or second guessing your word choices.

On the other hand, NaNoWriMo can be daunting. It is important to remember that while 50,000 words is the goal, any writing you write is a victory.   

In light of NaNoWriMo, this is a time of year filled with posts about  NaNoWriMo, and writing in general.

One I found particularly interesting is:

I love her wisdom around some of the common writing advice given

Write Every Day

Being a writer, or being anything else , means you have to pay attention to self-care. Sometimes for a variety of personal, work, or societal reasons you just can't write for a period of time. And yes you may Feel like a failure (I often do), but YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE.

A Writer Writes

I find what I write and how much I write varries a lot. Sometimes I write all the time. Sometimes I take long periods off either because I don't have ideas or more often because life means I don't have time to write. No matter what obstacles come up, which keep you from writing, you shall aways be a writer. "They can't take that away from (you)". 

You must submit your fiction

Personally, I love this distinction between "writer" and "author". There have definitely been times where others described me as a writer and I have felt the shock of imposter syndrome. But using these definitions I am clearly a writer, because I write. 

So as this post is titled "Yes Indeed, You Are A Writer, Yes You.". Go forth and write. Go forth and tell your story. Go forth and celebrate that you are a writer.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Music to make you feel better

This week is simply a playlist to make you feel better about the world.

All of my Friends

What the World Needs Now

All Mixed Up

Picnic Of The World

Plenty of Room

Big Rock Candy Mountain

Library Song

Ghost of Bleak House

Stone Soup

Element Song

Sunday, October 2, 2016

I forgot I had to blog: A Poem

This is a poem
Explaining that I had forgotten
That I still needed to write a blog post
This week.

And no this will not be as funny
As the Neil Gaiman book review 
On a similar topic

This blog does not have a golden cover
And no one will publish my name and address
And say this is who is to blame for the lack of a review
(Or in this case a blog post)

But my dear reader
I am sleepy
And Morpheus calls 
(Well the new one 
Since Dream just died
Or was reinvented
Or was rencarnated
In the book
The Kindly Ones
 I was reading)

So have a good week
And I hope to have a better blog post 
Next week

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Pondering Purpose

I have been Pondering Purpose
Or maybe Purpose Pondering?
Or maybe simply being inspired to see life from a different angle

I am grateful
For the writers who write me and define my passion
"Keep Pursing your passion for writing"*

And those who say
"Hey Lisa, what a super sweet note thanks for sending!
Now that song is stuck in my head lol.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant."**

Juggling the truth of Harry Chapin
"But music was his life, it was not his livelihood,
And it made him feel so happy and it made him feel so good.
And he sang from his heart and he sang from his soul.
He did not know how well he sang; It just made him whole."

With the wisdom of Lin Manuel

And Neil Giaman
"Make Good Art"

I want something more then my Job
A Career some would say
But one where I can 
Continue with my Calling

And no my Calling won't necessary be my Job
Since Poets who live off their earnings
Are as common as Leap Days which fall on Full Moon Sundays

I do not know where my path may go
But I was sorted Into Thunderbird
The house of Adventure and Soul
Sure sounds like a house of writers and other creative types

And I go forward 
With self imposed 100 daily Poem Challenges  
With great plans for pieces for this years holiday gifts
With writing as a way to process what I feel and think and experience

And I remember

I Got This
I Got This
I Got This
Hay Lin Manuel Said So
So it must be true

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Short Review of A Supernatural Convention

Last weekend was my first Creation Supernatural Convention (I had previously gone to an academic conference on Supernatural hosted by DePaul University)


I overall had a great time. There is something amazing about the Supernatural Family. And yes it really is a family.
  • For some fandoms the characters define the fandom
  • For other fandoms the actors define the fandom
  • For other fandoms the mythology/world building defines the fandom
  • For other fandoms the symbolism  defines the fandom
For the Supernatural Family all these things are combined. The cast calls the fans family and the fans consider the cast family. Together they have shown their power in supporting good causes. Everything from Stoke and Diabetes awareness, to Building free public high schools, to working to create our own Mental Health Hotline to support all those who are struggling. 

While I don't think I can clearly articulate how special the Supernatural Family is I think part of it might be that those who have seen the show have experienced a common experience which creates a "Band of brothers". 

The show has explored many issues over the years: Alcoholism, Alcoholism effects on others, Family, Adopted Family, Found Family, What we owe family, What is owed to us by family, Trauma, Depression, Numbness, The role of fate, Finding home, Fandom itself, Ambition, The meaning of free will, Faith, What happens when Angels lose faith in God, What happens when God is MIA .......

Some highlights from the Con:

  • Having the opportunity to ask Mark Sheppard a Question during his panel. I asked if Crowley (The King of Hell) knew he was loved. And I actually got a semi serious answer from Mark (which is uncommon) about how there is a difference between being told you are loved and knowing you are loved. Which implies I have to keep worrying about my poor Cowley
  • Death's panel (Julian Richings) where we learned that Julian thinks Death's final thoughts while being Killed were "You bugger", also  how his death as Death was less surprising then another show where he reacuring character was killed with out informing him.  
  • Osric Chau (Kevin Tran: A prophet of the lord): We determined at the Con that Kevin should be God's Wife (Husband), God aka Chuck (Rob Benedict) agreed, Osric gave the advice that it is better to do a ton of short imperfect projects then try to get one perfect. Also learned that the song Sweet Caroline is now Sweet Osric Chau (I mean both God and Gabriel said so, so it must be true)
  • There were many other highlights but I don't have the time to go on. 

Notes on the Convention as a Convention

As a creation event it was run differently then many of the smaller fan run or academic fan conferences I have attended. The main thing which stood out to me was there was only one track of programming. But I have to say that those panels were lots of fun. And the whole convention felt like a 3 day rock concert because of Louden Swain was our house band. Overall I would describe it as a family reunion where it was great to catch up, especially with actors who have not been on the show in over a decade but still are family. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

This week I am away at a Supernatural Convention, I will most likely write something about that next week. But I am leaving you with a wonderful Gem I found online. 

In this wonderful interview with Graham Moore covers everything from Depression and Mental Health, To Sherlock, Alan Turing, and the Legal battles around the light bulb.  Check it out.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Selections From A Summer In Books

This Summer I read 25 books while completing the Chicago Public Library's "Book Bingo" game. Here are some brief notes for 5 of these stories in no particular order.

(Comment at the end with one book you read this summer, or a book you are excited to read this fall, or a book you would recommend)



Yes, Ron Chernow's Biography is a wonderful Biography, and the inspiration for the musical Hamilton, but it is more that an biography. It is a history of the founding of America, a history of the political debates we still have today, and an explanation of our economic system. Chernow is able to balance both gushing about Hamilton and being critical of Hamilton at the same time. Chernow also did a great job explaining and working through Hamilton epic amount of writings. I am excited to begin reading Ron Chernow's biography on George Washington next.

This may be a selection of nonfiction
But in reality it is a fairy tale
A magic show, An adventure
A Love Affair with stories and books and writing

(From my poem on reading this book)

This was a wonderful collection and I recommend you read my previous post which went into more detail about why I loved it:

This was an interesting read, and examines the interplay between america's cultural responses to: Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Economic situations. The book also looks at the push back which occurred whenever individuals from any group stepped outside the cultural norms of their times. It is always interesting to see how often these cultural norms changed and what was "proper" behavior was never static


This was a story which I had heard about at a "Banned Books" Event, which peaked my interest, and when I saw it would fit a square of "Book Bingo" I went for it. I really enjoyed this collection of vignettes, which looked at the challenges of life, and being a writer, and family, and knowing your place in the world, expressed with lots of warmth and love. This really is a wonderfully written book. 

This is a story I would have never found if it was not for "Book Bingo" and the "A book from the state you were born in" (which I converted to "A book from the "city" I was born in"). This is a very sweet (Pun intended) story about a middle schooler dealing with her single mother, who is bi-polar, moving herself and her deaf brother across the country from Texas to Schenectady to start a ice cream store. It is a story about building a community, working for your dreams despite the challenges, and asking for the help you need in life. Warning: This story is going to make you crave to eat ice cream :)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Poem on Fanfiction: Romance by Proxy

This is re-posting a poem I posted on Facebook earlier this week. I had been musing on all the Fanfiction I had been reading recently and some of the reasons why I am so drawn to Fanfiction as a field of writing/reading/daydreaming. 

Romance by Proxy

As I search my Heart
As I search my Soul
As I search for The Stories 
Day in and Day out

I realize I seek
Romance by Proxy

Couches and Movies
Late night cups of tea and conversation
Those who tell you to stop if you are working too hard
Those who give hugs and forehead kisses
Those who write letters of romance

And Yes often in Fanfiction
The romance leads 
To "Dot Dot Dot"
But even that can seem sweet
Between characters

In fantasy
By reading the tags
You know who will end up with whom
How they will go out two by two
Or sometimes even sweeter
How they will go out three by three

Where Romantic friendships
Passionate friendships
Queerplatonic relationships
Are all as common 
As heteronormative relationships 
Are out in the wilds of the real world

I cling to a reality
Within stories
Where the rules are clearly stated
Instead of this world we call reality
Where the rules are listed in code
Where asking even for the coded version
Is not proper: Not the way things are done

I realize I seek
Romance by Proxy
And sometimes that is a lifetime of enough
And sometimes I feel I am missing out on something

I realize I seek
Romance by Proxy

I realize I seek
Romance by Proxy

I realize I seek
Romance by Proxy

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hillywood at it again

Hillywood has released the latest in their line of wonderful productions

I love the dancing and the Chorus but it did take a few watching to get into the rest of the lyrics (Mainly because it was a rhyming scheme I was not as familiar with, 
Not because it is not a wonderful production).

With Sherlock this means they have completed the whole Superwholock trio. 

Check out the videos below.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Federalist Paper Poem

This poem is in response to Ron Chernow’s amazing and wonderful Biography of Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton the musical, and various soul searching I have been doing recently

(Please see notes and references at end)

Federalist Paper Poem
(A defense of myself to myself)

This is a poem of confessions
This is a poem of soul searching
This is a poem about relooking at what “America” Means

I was born in America
My story is not the immigrant story
The “Young, scrappy, and Hungry” Story
The “Just you wait” story
The “I’m not throwing away my shot” story

Mine is the story
Of seeing
The warts
The scares
The bruises
Of this country

I have lived here
All my life
(But two years in Peace Corps)
But not feeling
A Strong Identity as an American

But starting with a Musical
Followed by a book
I am relearning
The foundations of this country

Of those who gave up everything
In order to bring this country into being
Who understood the importance of a central government
Which was surprisingly touch and go

I see the foundations of our economics
And why economics matters
To a country

I also see
The breaks
The factions
The fears
Which created the political systems
We live with to this day.

There is power in seeing
Those who would have given everything
Who did give everything
For this country
For the idea of this country
For the promise of this country’s future

Sometimes our countries scars feel like Kintsugi
Sometimes they feel like puss filled wounds

Sometimes we are a bully
Sometimes we challenge everyone we know to a duel
And sometimes we can be
The Honorable Underdog
We all can root for

Today we stand
In the gumbo we call America
And we still cut each other down
We still need
“Black Lives Matter”
“Immigrant Lives Matter”

We need to fight
A revolution against
Whitewashing our media
Whitewashing our history
Whitewashing our identities

We need to fight
A revolution for
Ending Hate
Ending Discrimination
Ending Fear

And on a more personal level
I need to fight
A revolution
A revolution for Love
“Love is Love is Love is Love is Love”
A revolution for life
No matter how heavy the weight of Time feels
A revolution of identity

Who am I?
Not the Historical Hamilton
Not the Musical Hamilton
Not the Fanfiction Hamilton(s)

Who am I?
This is where this Federalist papers poem
Co-mingles with an Reynolds Paper poem

Part of what I expressed in a letter mailed
To Lin-Manuel in a moment of darkness

Hamilton and You
Speak to how little time we are given to make a difference

What is your advice?

When instead of too much life to fit into the time I have
It seems there is too much time for the life I have

Don’t worry
I have family and friends
And I will never choose
To make them sing
Their own version of
“It’s Quiet Uptown”
“Working through the unimaginable”

I will #AlwaysKeepFighting
Because that is what is requested of me by my various fandoms
And by you and all those I admire
And I never want to break your hearts

And when I write for others
The comfort and hope
Flows from my pen
That I don’t always find inside for myself

Lin-Manuel Miranda
You are Loved
Each atom of your being
Each thought in your head
Each dream of your soul
Is Loved, Is Loved, Is Loved

But When I ponder
“Who lives, Who dies, Who tells your story”
I am remarkable ready for someone else to tell my story

And find despite only being in my early 30’s
It feels there is a too infinite number of tomorrows
Before my story is finished

As a writer I would never ask
Where your ideas come from
But instead I ask questions
With even more nebulous answers
Where does your passion for life come from?
How does someone see themselves through the eyes of others?
Where should we look when the world is amazing: But it feels too sweet?
Like something which, while is wonderful, feels like it has gone on a bit too long?

And I know this poem
Is a moment of personal privilege
And in the morn
I will face the day
And experience its joy and magic
Until the next time
My soul cries out
Against the heaviness of Time
And I wonder how long this journey will be

Not sure what magic words
What dream worlds or answers
I hoped to find via this poem

But I feel like I have to let
These Words
Go blowing in the wind
And see where the wind takes them
And hope as the writer of Hamilton
You somehow understand
What I am saying

It is said
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king."

Who am I?
A wanderer?
One of the Lost?
A light?
A shadow?
Something in-between?

Who am I?
Can you pin it down?
Can you tell me what my Legacy will be?

Until that time I will cling to
History and Historical Figures
Writers and actors and dreamers
The hopes of others
The fears of others
The dreams of others

I fear that Hamilton would tell me
“We studied and we fought and we killed
For the notion of a nation we now get to build
For once in your life, take a stand with pride
I don’t understand how you stand to the side”

But I stand here
And time feels like a Hurricane
Just on the horizon

Sometimes all I can do
Is put one foot in front of the other
One foot in front of the other

And taking a stand
Is just something which I cannot do
I don’t always know how to
Build a life
Build a country
Build my life

My America
My place of Birth
My I don’t know what you are
I will tell you what I hope to gain
From the study of you

I seek an Eliza
I seek a Hamilton
I seek an Angelica
I seek a Washington, a John Laurens

So I will read
And get lost in books
And get lost in stories
Of Yesterday and Today

I seek the wisdom
Each morning of Lin-Manuel posts
Reminding us to Live
That we are all important
That life is to be cherished
Interspersed with “Music, love, and pride”
I seek the wisdom
To “Make Good Art”
I seek the wisdom
To “Write what you feel”
I seek the wisdom
“Stay Weird”

I seek things which cannot be put into words
A pat on a shoulder which touches my core
Which can still be felt months later
Someone to lean on
A purpose
Which is deep enough to touch
My heart and mind and soul

Seeking a different time and place
Where it feels like
We are standing on the cusp of something
Something different
Something magical
Something powerful and maybe awe inspiring

Now I think I will leave this here
Since I am getting as wordy as Hamilton himself
And I think I have lost the thread

So in the end
I ask you
I request from you
I need to know
The answers to a few questions

How do you (Live) like tomorrow won’t arrive?
How do you (Live) like you need it to survive?
How do you (Live) ev’ry second you’re alive?
Ev’ry second you’re alive? Ev’ry second you’re alive?

How do you write like tomorrow won’t arrive?
How do you write like you need it to survive?
How do you write ev’ry second you’re alive?
Ev’ry second you’re alive? Ev’ry second you’re alive?

How do you (Live) like tomorrow won’t arrive?
How do you (Live) like you need it to survive?
How do you (Live) ev’ry second you’re alive?
Ev’ry second you’re alive? Ev’ry second you’re alive?

(How) do you write like you’re running out of time?
(Live) day and night like you’re running out of time?
Ev’ry day you fight, like you’re running out of time?

Because in the end
I hold these truths to be self-evident
A story shared
A story shouted
A story whispered in the Dark
Is a truth better understood?
So here in this moment
Is my soul
Bared for you
Given to you

Large sections of this poem come directly from the lyrics of musical Hamilton,

Other Quotes come from Lin-Manuel, Neil Gaiman, Robbie Thompson, Graham Moore and Lord of the Rings

Sunday, August 7, 2016

This week

Was a week filled with wonders

Was filled with GISHWHES

And Raps about Alan Turing

And shout outs by Lin-Manuel

Windy City Physics Slam: Where Particle Physicists Collide

And watching Olympics

Filled with stories such as 

Oksana Chusovitina who is competing in Gymnastics at 41

So this weeks blog

Is super short

As I catch my breath

So off to bed

Before the early morning

Calls me to work

Have a great week everyone

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Thoughts on Hamilton Fanfiction

The creativity of Fan writers
Can welcome you into a new reality
They can take a throwaway fact
Like the Historical George Washington 
Never had kids of his own
And create a wonderful world where he was Ace
They can take the various political alliances
And turn them into various types of romantic relationships
They take figures from history
And make them live and breath
In various times and places
And there are bits which make you laugh out loud*
Fanfiction writers are looked down at by some
But I want someone to write me fanfiction about myself
Where I am every letter in the LGBTQIA alphabet soup
Where I have been in relationships
And relationships have been in me
I can daydream my way there myself
But sometime I would like to see myself through others eyes
I want to see what my "character traits" are
I want to hear my own story
And while I may never have fanfiction
Written about myself
I find comfort in the fanfiction
Written for other characters
Thank you fanfiction writers

* This is a section from "In the Place to Be" by katnisskirk which takes the Historical American Relvoluntion cast of characters and puts them in a modern day college campus setting.

“Or maybe I have?” Alex tried, pretty sure that John was trying to say that he thought they were dating, and now that Alex really stopped to think about it, they were. Sure, there wasn’t any kissing or sex, but John had told him a while back that he was sex-repulsed and kissing was something that he needed to wait on. Beyond that, there was a lot of touching and hadn’t John called him “baby” this morning?

“Oh god,” Alex groaned, flopping onto the couch near John, but far enough away to ensure that he had an adequate amount of personal space. “This is all my fault. For the sake of clear communication, can you please explain to me how long we’ve been dating without my knowledge?”

John didn’t look at him, not even when he finally answered Alex’s question. “Like a month, Alex. Or at least, I thought we were.”

Alex was shocked, but also a little worried about his sanity because he’d had no idea. Well, no, he’d had an idea, but apparently it was not the same idea as John’s idea. “Please tell me we have never had a conversation wherein it was explicitly stated that I, Alexander Hamilton, am the boyfriend of one John Laurens.”

“Not in those words, but there were all those conversations about boundaries and I thought—well, I thought that implied ‘we’re dating now’,” John said, looking and sounding absolutely wrecked, like he was seconds away from crying, and Alex had no idea what to do about it.

So he started talking. “Please believe me when I say that I am so fucking sorry. I know it’s just an excuse, but I don’t always have the best handle on reality and sometimes I get so disconnected that I don’t even know what day it is anymore. That doesn’t help, I’m sure, but it’s the truth.”

Sunday, July 24, 2016

SDCC (San Diego Comic Con): A celebration of fandom and new Promos.

 SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) is one of the largest celebrations of Fandom. Both TV and Film studios use SDCC (and the weeks surrounding it) as an opportunity to release new promos. 
I will comment on a few promos for shows plan to watch. 
(I also know that promos often are way off and easily miss interpreted)

Season 4 Sherlock

It feels like Sherlock is getting the "Dark Knight" treatment. As someone who still feels A Study in Pink was one of the best episodes I am wary of the direction this promo seems to say season 4 is going.  Personally I prefer when Sherlock is being Sherlock: Solving Cases, Being a bit socially unaware/awakward etc. This promo implies he will be dealing with some drama from his past. And I will bet, based on this promo, season 4 will not end with a light and fun musical episode. 

American God's TV Show

(Because of the winds of technology the above link is to the promo and the below is a promo + Commentary by the cast and crew)

I am really excited for this. I read American God's about 5 years ago and felt it was too "Old Man and the Sea" where in the end you are pretty much where you began. (I have heard you either Love American God's or You hate American Gods, while I was more of a Meh about American God's it was not bad, it was not over whelming, it was fine) After this clip I plan on re-reading the story. Honestly I think I will appreciate it more after watching shows which are based on a similar "Road Trip" format. (In the past year I have seen 12 season's of the show Supernatural which is also a "Road Trip" story so I have  a better understand of that format and what music to play, what snacks to grab, and what road signs to pay attention too.)

Lucifer Season 2

I enjoyed season 1 of Lucifer and am glad that it will be coming back for a season 2.  I hope that they spend some real time having Lucifer continue to work through his families very messy relationships. I still think one of the best clips from season one was when Lucifer talked about the burden of being Lucifer. It is cool that Lucifer as a Mom which means God had a wife at some point. (Would have been cooler if he had had a husband but that is TV). Excited to see where this goes.