Sunday, July 31, 2016

Thoughts on Hamilton Fanfiction

The creativity of Fan writers
Can welcome you into a new reality
They can take a throwaway fact
Like the Historical George Washington 
Never had kids of his own
And create a wonderful world where he was Ace
They can take the various political alliances
And turn them into various types of romantic relationships
They take figures from history
And make them live and breath
In various times and places
And there are bits which make you laugh out loud*
Fanfiction writers are looked down at by some
But I want someone to write me fanfiction about myself
Where I am every letter in the LGBTQIA alphabet soup
Where I have been in relationships
And relationships have been in me
I can daydream my way there myself
But sometime I would like to see myself through others eyes
I want to see what my "character traits" are
I want to hear my own story
And while I may never have fanfiction
Written about myself
I find comfort in the fanfiction
Written for other characters
Thank you fanfiction writers

* This is a section from "In the Place to Be" by katnisskirk which takes the Historical American Relvoluntion cast of characters and puts them in a modern day college campus setting.

“Or maybe I have?” Alex tried, pretty sure that John was trying to say that he thought they were dating, and now that Alex really stopped to think about it, they were. Sure, there wasn’t any kissing or sex, but John had told him a while back that he was sex-repulsed and kissing was something that he needed to wait on. Beyond that, there was a lot of touching and hadn’t John called him “baby” this morning?

“Oh god,” Alex groaned, flopping onto the couch near John, but far enough away to ensure that he had an adequate amount of personal space. “This is all my fault. For the sake of clear communication, can you please explain to me how long we’ve been dating without my knowledge?”

John didn’t look at him, not even when he finally answered Alex’s question. “Like a month, Alex. Or at least, I thought we were.”

Alex was shocked, but also a little worried about his sanity because he’d had no idea. Well, no, he’d had an idea, but apparently it was not the same idea as John’s idea. “Please tell me we have never had a conversation wherein it was explicitly stated that I, Alexander Hamilton, am the boyfriend of one John Laurens.”

“Not in those words, but there were all those conversations about boundaries and I thought—well, I thought that implied ‘we’re dating now’,” John said, looking and sounding absolutely wrecked, like he was seconds away from crying, and Alex had no idea what to do about it.

So he started talking. “Please believe me when I say that I am so fucking sorry. I know it’s just an excuse, but I don’t always have the best handle on reality and sometimes I get so disconnected that I don’t even know what day it is anymore. That doesn’t help, I’m sure, but it’s the truth.”

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