Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Definitions


Language around asexuality/aromanticism is more nuanced and complex than you might think. (I will write about trying to define myself tomorrow) In June of 2022 I went into much of language that has been created around being ace in Expanding Asexual Identity Language but for this ace week post I will stick to a few general highlights 

(Note I am taking definitions from various websites so wording will vary)

Sexual attraction

Attraction that makes people desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).

Romantic attraction

Attraction that makes people desire romantic contact or interaction with another person or persons.


Asexuals do not experience sexual attraction and or sexual desire. Some people might confuse this with celibacy, however it is not the same. As celibacy is a choice, where as being asexual is not. "Ace" is often used for asexual.


Aromanticism is a romantic orientation characterized by experiencing little to no romantic attraction. The term "aromantic", colloquially shortened to "aro", refers to a person whose romantic orientation is aromanticism.


Allosexuality means feeling sexual attraction towards others. Basically if you are not part of the asexual umbrella you would be allosexual.


A demisexual is someone who experiences sexual attraction only after establishing a close emotional and/or romantic bond with another. This should not be mixed up with ‘deciding not to have sex until knowing someone better’. Demisexuality is not a choice. They cannot feel any sexual attraction before a close connection is formed.


Graysexuals (or greysexuals) experience sexual attraction infrequently. Some graysexuals will only experience sexual attraction only once or twice in their life. Others might experience this more often, but in general still not nearly as frequent as an allosexual.


A fictosexual falls under the asexual umbrella as they do not experience sexual attraction to (real life) people. Fictosexual is a term used for people who experience sexual attraction exclusively towards fictional characters. Or, alternatively, whose sexuality is influenced by fictional characters.


Fictoromantic, is an umbrella term for anyone who experiences exclusive romantic attraction toward fictional characters, a general type of fictional characters, or whose romantic orientation is influenced by fictional characters.


Queerplatonic relationships and queerplatonic partnerships are committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature. They may differ from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms, similar to a conventional romantic relationship.

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