Friday, October 27, 2023

Happy Ace Week: Ace Fandom

Fans have interpreted a wide range of characters as being Ace or Aro (Sherlock Holmes, The Doctor (Doctor Who), ...) and some amazing writers/showrunners have said that either a character is Ace or Aro or at least open the door for that interpretation by fans. 

I will always love Neil Gaiman's response when answering questions about the characters in Good Omens:

Neil Gaiman @neilhimself

I wouldn't exclude the ideas that they are ace, or aromantic, or trans. They are an angel and a demon, not as male humans, per the book. Occult/Ethereal beings don't have sexes, something we tried to reflect in the casting. Whatever Crowley and Aziraphale are, it's a love story.

But all-in-all few characters are openly Ace or Aro so when we see such a character especially when it is a positive portrayal it tends to make us feel seen and very happy. (I know there have been a few openly ace characters recently but I am not a big fan of teenager relationship dramas so a few I only know from other peoples comments about those shows)

One example of an Ace character I love is Spooner from Legends of Tomorrow. Spooner's "coming out" is neat on multiple levels.
  • The word Asexual is actually used (It is nice NOT having her Asexuality be open to interpretation, it is not "she is not into those things" which could be ace or could be something completely different but they actually use the word asexual)
  • The "coming out" is taken seriously, it is not laughed away but it is NOT trauma filled and feels pretty realistic to me, you run into the concept and go "Oh I guess this explains my experience"
  • While we can't be 100% sure, since Legends of Tomorrow was cancelled soon afterwards, based on how other Legends of Tomorrow character's sexuality has been portrayed Spooners asexuality would not have been forgotten by the show nor would it be her only story. 
  • It is nice to have someone who is BIPOC be ace because I feel like when characters are identified as ace it tends to be white characters which could give others the mistaken idea that asexuality is only for white people which is 100% NOT True. Anyone from any background can be ace or aro.

Zari 2.0: I think we have a few minutes before the next try. So smash, marry, kill. Nate, Gwyn, Gary? 

Spooner: Um... No, not... not... not really into any of them. 

Zari 2.0: Copy, okay, how about Sara, Ava, Astra? 

Spooner:  Not... not... not really into any of them either. 

Zari 2.0: Also copy. Okay. What is your type? 

Spooner: You know, I don't really get those types of feelings for anyone. Maybe it's one of those things those mushroom aliens messed up about me, huh? ( Chuckles ) 

Zari 2.0: Hey, no, no, no. What you're describing is totally normal. It just means maybe you're "Ace".

Spooner gives a confused look

Zari 2.0:  Asexual, people who identify as Ace have little or no interest in sеx but many of them still want to be in relationships. 

Spooner: Wow, uh... ( Chuckles ) I guess that makes me Ace. 

Zari 2.0: OMG, did you just come out to me? 

Spooner: I guess I did. 

Zari 2.0: Yeah. 

Spooner: Okay, well, okay, first of all, who would have thought you'd be the first person I'd tell? 

Zari 2.0: Not me. 

Spooner: Okay. 

Zari 2.0: Cheers. ( Both chuckling )


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