Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Luck (And History) Of The Irish To You


Today is St Patrick's Day. Today this day is often celebrated with lots of green, many people overindulging in alcohol, and a myth that St Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland. 

For my own part I am wearing green today, even have a green shirt with a snake on it, listening to various Irish music stations, going to a few virtual events celebrating St Patrick's day and Ireland, and may have a can of ginger ale in celebration (since I don't drink alcohol).

I also found myself wanting to know about the history of our modern day St Patrick's traditions, so here is an explanation for some of the ways that St Patrick's day is celebrated.

Why Green?
The Irish countryside may be many shades of green, but knights in the Order of St. Patrick wore a color known as St. Patrick’s blue. The association with green probably dates back to the 18th century, when supporters of Irish independence used the color to represent their cause. (Source
Why Alcohol?
St. Patrick's Day first started to honor Saint Patrick on the anniversary of his death. Traditionally the Irish drink during wakes to honor the dead. In addition the Christian people held a great feast for which Lenten food and alcohol restrictions were temporarily removed, which is why drinking has become synonymous with the holiday. (Source

Why Snakes?

The myth that St. Patrick banished all the snakes from Ireland came from the idea that the snake was a symbol of paganism and it is St. Paddy that can be accredited for ridding Ireland of paganism and bringing Christianity to the green isle. (Source

St Patrick's Day
(by Dreaming Ace)

A day that reminds us
We can leave a mark
On places we go
Not by choice

A day that reminds us
That celebrating
In the midst of death
Can be holy celebrating

A day that reminds us
Our paths are always unsure
We never know when
Someone might call us saint

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
The rains fall soft upon your fields.

(Irish Blessing)

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