Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pride Book Roundup #2

In addition to my normal focus on reading LGBTQA+ books as part of Pride, this Summer I am working on a Summer Reading Challenge through Three Avenues Bookshop

Note the challenge also includes some picture books which I will include in my weekly roundups but am NOT counting towards the books I have read for this year because I feel like that would artificially inflate my totals lol. 

The Baker and the Bard by Fern Haught (Fiction)

My Review:

This was a sweet little "gentle, gentle" story which I really appreciated.

Icarus by K. Ancrum (Fiction)

My Review:

This was a really compelling queer retelling of the Icarus story. A story about discovering who you are by learning who others are in relation to you. A story about the long shadows the past can create over the future and how challenging it can be to move into the sunlight.

Black Girl, Call Home by Jasmine Mans (poetry)

My Review:

This was the second time I read this collection and I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time. And it works for Lo's "A woman with her back turned on the cover" category for the summer reading challenge.

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