Friday, June 7, 2024

Pride Book Roundup #1

In addition to my normal focus on reading LGBTQA+ books as part of Pride, this Summer I am working on a Summer Reading Challenge through Three Avenues Bookshop

Note the challenge also includes some picture books which I will include in my weekly roundups but am NOT counting towards the books I have read for this year because I feel like that would artificially inflate my totals lol. 

Dear Wendy by Ann Zhao (Fiction)

My review:

I really really enjoyed this book even if there was a good amount of young adult drama involved. I especially loved the conversations among the Dianas that explored the complexities of being aroace while living in an allo world including the complexities of being aroace in many queer spaces.

It was cool to see a story centered around characters who already knew they were aroace (not a self-discovery or coming out story) and have that aroace identity held in the real tension of what that meant for their long term future.

Ann Zhao states in the introduction "One book cannot reflect every single a-spec experience and all of its intersections with other identity markers -- my goal with Dear Wendy was to add to the a-spec literary canon, not encompass it" and I found that she met this goal completely. 

The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang (Fiction)

My Review:

This was a very sweet story about when you are true to yourself you are much more likely to thrive. I think many of us would be someone else from time to time if we could and that should be celebrated.

It's Pride Baby! (Kids)

This is a fun kids book focused on the intersectional Black Pride.

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