Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Legends: Celebrating Ace Representation


Recently the big news is Spooner from #LegendsOfTomorrow came out as Ace!!! When it popped up on my newsfeed I was so excited. (I am a little behind and not up to the current season of Legends so I did not know from watching)

Legends of Tomorrow has always had great representation. Each season is a different combination but every season the main cast has been some combination of ages, races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, faith traditions and all that diversity has always been normalized. 

That is what happens when you are time travelers, blow up time, change fate, deal with magical creatures, demons, clones, and aliens etc. regularly.

So Legends Of Tomorrow having the first Out Ace Superhero on TV does not surprise me even though I still am flying high on the news. Also, again not surprising, Legends handles Spooners coming out wonderfully. 

What stood out for many of us is the fact that they actually used the words Ace and Asexual multiple times in the conversation. Far too often, those of us who are Ace, have to accept vague references in shows, or statements by writers who are like well in my head the character is Ace which leaves it too open for debate. 

(Plus using the words Ace and Asexual it means if someone watching thinks they have a similar experience they have words to google to find out more)

In Legends Spooner was introduced to asexuality (and Zari 2.0*'s explanation is really good considering all the nuance that can occur in the ace community), Spooner is able to claim being Ace, Spooner and Zari have a giggle, and then the show moves on. 

It was a coming out moment that was not the sole focus of the show or even the episode just some interesting facts shared between a few friends/colleagues. 

Also Spooner mentioning the mushroom space aliens (which are from a previous season) was also identifiable for many aces since many experience a period of time when they think they are some how broken  because they are not feeling sexual attraction or only feeling very limited sexual attraction.

Overall Spooner coming out as Ace simply made me love the show Legends of Tomorrow even more.

Here is a transcript of the scene. (The emphasis is added by me)

Zari 2.0: I think we have a few minutes before the next try. So smash, marry, kill. Nate, Gwyn, Gary?

Spooner: Um... No, not... not... not really into any of them.

Zari 2.0: Copy, okay, how about Sara, Ava, Astra?

Spooner: Not... not... not really into any of them either.

Zari 2.0: Also copy. Okay. What is your type?

Spooner: You know, I don't really get those types of feelings for anyone. Maybe it's one of those things those mushroom aliens messed up about me, huh? (Chuckles)

Zari 2.0: Hey, no, no, no. What you're describing is totally normal. It just means maybe you're "Ace". Asexual, people who identify as Ace have little or no interest in sex but many of them still want to be in relationships.

Spooner: Wow, uh... (Chuckles) I guess that makes me Ace.

Zari 2.0: OMG, did you just come out to me?

Spooner: I guess I did. Yeah. Okay, well, okay, first of all, who would have thought you'd be the first person I'd tell?

Zari 2.0: Not me. Okay. (laughing)


* In case you don't know the show it is Zari 2.0 because there are two Zari's from different timelines wibble wobbly time travel stuff.  

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