Friday, July 16, 2021

Being Called a "Rare and Excellent Breed"


This week I was part of an extend conversation with someone else who had different feelings about the Loki season 1 final and we disagreed on like everything LOL.

I thought the final did not focus on Loki enough since the show is called Loki not called random bad guy in next wave of marvel movies, I thought both Loki and Sylvie were not given the space to process the moral choice they were given, I thought it was all telling and no showing, I even thought it felt a bit like a full day zoom meeting. 

As you can tell I though the final was not up to my standards and basically in my head the season ended with the 5th episode. But as you can see from the conversation above even though we disagreed about the episode and went back and forth for quite a while in the end we both felt like we had had a good conversation and others noted that they agreed with us that we had had a good conversation.

The fact that a simple conversation impressed someone else to the point they called us a "rare and excellent breed" just highlights how often such conversations fall apart into name calling and general meanness. Different people are always going to see different stories in different ways, some will like a show that others hate, some will think a work is well written, others will think it had structural issues. 

But that is why we have so many different stories to read or watch or explore. That is why there is more fanfiction than your could imagine. This is what a conversation around fandom should look like.

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