Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Democratic Convention: Day 3 + 4 Review

Note this is my personal review so what I participated in or what stood out to me if you want more details you can always look up one of the major news networks summaries.

Day 3

What events I got to:

The Interfaith Council Meeting: Panel Interfaithing the vote: About actions and values, not just faith. No candidate is perfect about who most willing to grow in understanding. Role of faith traditions to create a world where everyone can flourish. Changing public discourse. Work will continue beyond the election. And Cory Booker showed up for the meeting: This nation too accepting of injustice. Values are shown in how we treat people. Our laws and policies don't reflect love. Panel Faith and Democracy: No second class faiths in America. Turn to religious and public services to respond to COVID, Restore other democratic issues such as public servants can do things for public gain. Prayer of John Adams. 

Win the Era Happy Hour w/ Pete, Chasten, and Liz :): Oh it was nice hanging with everyone again. :) Pete and Chasten always make me feel I belong and always leave me with more hope and more joy.

Night 3:

"We are the "We" in "We the people"" Issue areas explored included gun violence, the climate crisis, immigration, and women's rights. Then there was a focus on the importance of people being seen heard and known. Hillary spoke. Can't be another woulda, coulda, shoulda, election. No matter what Vote. So much to vote for vs just against. We need numbers so overwhelming that they can't be cheated. To young people: don't give up on America. Pelosi: Ran because another woman said to run. House 60% women/BIPOC/LGBTQ+. When women succeed everyone succeeds. A segment followed on how Joe Biden got violence against women act passed. Warren: COVID's impact on childcare, like a good plan and Joe has good plans including, ones for childcare. Her aunt came to live with her to provide childcare as Warren was working but not everyone has an aunt to come and stay for 15 years. Obama: (I miss Obama) Should expect the president to protect the ideals of America. Considers Biden a brother. Biden has resilience, empathy, dignity, understanding that everyone counts. Has the character and experience to make America a better country. Will restore our standing in the world. Care about every American and care deeply about this democracy. We need active and engaged citizens. Kamala: All the shoulders we stand on.

Day 4:

Today there were not many early events I was interested in so I spent some time catching up on the various interviews Pete has done this week:

Monday's PBS News Hour (7mins):  Biden will be a president who cares about us, unlike the current one. Biden is steady and consistent which is what we need right now.

Wednesday? CNN interview (1 min clip): Generational change is about a relationship between generations

Monday's MSNBC Morning Joe (1 min clip): No progress is guaranteed, but imagine what a Biden/Harris ticket could deliver.

Tuesday's Washington Post Live: Democratic National Convention: Former Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (43 mins) Process issues are never sexy but they are important. We are policy people but we have to speak to the morals behind those policies. Our country it at its best when it makes room for everyone when it expands the sense of belonging which we all need to get by.

Voices of Victory: A Convention Celebration!: Celebrating out LGBTQ+ elected officials nationwide with a focus on Pete.

Night 4:

Tonight I am just going to be watching and not worrying about having to take lots of notes. John Legend and Common sang Glory. Duckworth lead into Bo Biden Tribute leading right into Pete :) and a former 2020 Dem candidates panel on how wonderful Biden is. Biden spoke. 

And then the convention was over. It has been a long but interesting 4 days but like after any convention now I am exhausted. So off to rest for a bit. 

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