Friday, August 14, 2020

3 Ways To Support The Post Office Today

We are currently in a time period where the post office, yes the post office of all organizations, has been politicized because certain individuals in government don't want to allow registered voters to be able to vote. While I could write a long post on that alone, and end up very frustrated and angry, instead I am turning to something more productive and exploring 3 ways we all can help the post office right now.

1. Send Mail

If you are in a financial place to do so send some mail to friends and family. You don't need anything fancy, any paper and an envelope will do. You can check-in, say congrats for an accomplishment, send a message of Love, become pen pals with someone, write a note to someone you care about, write a celebrity, write those in senor homes, write a vet overseas, on and on and on. For example just today I mailed some birthday and anniversary cards and while these cards are not going to save the post office by themselves, if everyone who lived in the US sent a handful it would add up quick. 

2. Order Free Mail

Even if you are not in a financial place to send mail, you can order mail which also supports the post office. Order that free catalog even if you just want to look at the pictures or use them for crafts. Order that free sticker, booklet, resource, or product. Order that free travel guide and use your imagination to go on a vacation or pick a setting for your next story or book. It does not matter what free resources you request they all are pieces of mail in the mail system and money going to the post office.

3. Contact your elected officials

Call or email or even write a letter explaining how you expect them to vote to support funding for the post office. Make sure your elected officials know how important the post office is to you and that you do not take it for granted. Unless you make noise and encourage others to make noise elected officials can believe that their constituents don't care about the post office. If we all band together we will be heard.

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