Monday, February 4, 2019

Lacunae and meaning

     an unfilled space or interval; a gap.
     a missing portion in a book or manuscript.
     a cavity or depression, especially in bone.

“For those on the margins just being alive
is an act of Justice” Pastor Jamie Frazier

I recently read and enjoyed The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. It was a story of warmth and art and identity and creativity. The ending while hopeful also was dark (house un-american activities committee dark). The story was challenging because it was a reminder of how we turn on those who are innocent and creative, and who want to be left alone. How often where someone is from, or who they love, or their non-harmful opinions determine their fate. The Lacuna of the title covers the Lacunae in stories and the lives of others and in our own lives. There are always large holes in our knowledge of a topic or in our knowledge of a person.

Reading this story reminded me of the Lacunae encapsulated in words "We have always been here". which references the fact that women, POCs, minorities, etc have always been a part of creative and social movements. The groups who are often accused of being new, of being radical, of being nontraditional, are the groups who have been there since the beginning. But because they fall in some preconceived box they are told they do not belong. It is hard when you know you belong but others tell you that you are wrong, and will never belong.

Recently my Pastor Jamie Frazier referred to this (in the way that Pastors often seem to be able to read minds with the best of them): what might be called a Lacuna of justice. “For those on the margins just being alive is an act of Justice.” Which is powerful and true. Too often just being alive is radical justice. Pastor Jamie continued that for these "Justice is taking time for self-care".

Look for the Lacunae of the stories you hear, look for the Lacunae in the groups you are apart of, look for the Lacunae in your own life's story. And be alive and make that an act of justice.

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