Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Batman vs Captain American Faith Communities

My current faith community has been dreaming big and visioning for the year. It was shared that we hope to reach a wider audience with our messages of Justice and Love and Welcome via social media and possibly public access TV.

In all honesty, when I heard this I had a strong knee jerk reaction. After some processing, I realized that a superhero lens helps explain my reactions. In the past, I was part of a "Batman Community", which was doing the work of justice and love, and was supported and protected by a few Alfreds and Commissioner Gordons, but had to be more ninja about it. We were doing good but knew we were outside our denominations legal systems.

Now I am part of a "Captain American Community" who wants to stand tall and be known more publically. Everyone knows that Steve Rogers is Captain America. And while being open about your secret identity is great I also know that once your secret identity gets out the villain of the week is more likely to try to attack you. And I love my faith community and my faith leaders and don't want them to get any boo-boos from mean villains of the week.

Our message is important and needs to be shared with others. But I recognize that right now I am feeling a bit Hawkeye in Avenger's tower, I am used to faith being more spy-like, more a secret garden, not as big and bold and wild and free. And coming from a "Batman Community" it is hard to remember that I am now in a community which is a team and has a whole Shield (our denomination) on our sides and they are there to support us and help us.

May more know that they are absolutely loved for being exactly who they are no matter where they come from or who they love. May this message be shouted loud and clear.

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