Thursday, September 1, 2022

Sandman Reflections (Part 4): Do Not Use Your Dreams To Harm

I just need time to think about what to do.

What is there to think about? I'm a goddess. A daughter of Zeus. I am not a possession to be kept and used and traded. You must set me free. You have only to say the words.

I will. I promise. But, um... Do you think you could help me first? Inspire me? Just for one book, and then I will let you go. I swear I will.

Calliope and Richard Madoc In Ep 11 Calliope Sandman

This is the last in a series of posts where I will be exploring some of the themes of Sandman. I am focusing on the Netflix series since I read the comics long enough ago I would not be able to tell the differences lol.

While I am more focused on ideas/themes there will be references that might be considered spoilers. So if you have not seen the show yet watch it on Netflix (Please watch so we have a better chance of getting a season 2)

Do Not Use Your Dreams To Harm
By Dreaming Ace

We shall all dream
We shall all dream dreams
We shall all dream of new tomorrows

But that does not mean 
We are allowed to harm others
In our quest for those dreams

We can not lock up others and their dreams
We can not put our dreams above all humanity
We can not use our dreams to harm

No one wants to be imprisoned
No one wants to be harmed
No one wants to hurt

Asking nicely we shall find that
Many of our Dreams are possible
But But But

If those dreams come at the cost of harming others
We will find that those dreams turn into nightmares in the end
Our dreams should be for creating a better world
Not a worst and darker and more broken world

So far in this series I have covered letting our dreams free, mourning broken dreams, what happens after the quest, asking how we can love life like Hob Gadling, and now to finish off a reminder that we need to be careful of what we dream. Dreams are very powerful and can truly change the world around us but that also means that dreams can be used to harm others. All too often we expect others to serve our dreams and we don't take it well if they say no. 

But dreams that are not freely given are really just nightmares. When we rip our dreams out of the lives of others it never goes well. It is important that we remember that when dreaming our dreams. Are we imagining something better for us all or are we dreaming by locking goddesses in our basement and making them do our bidding?

Calliope is able to dream a better future even after being locked up for decades because her dreams are rooted in something good, something kind, something wise. What are our dreams rooted in?

Snippets of conversations between Dream and Calliope

What will you do now?

I think what I must do is to try to make sure that this never happens to anyone else ever again. 


I do not know. By inspiring humanity to want better for themselves and each other. By rewriting the laws by which I was held. Laws that were written long ago in which my sisters and I had no say. 


I think you should release the mortal now. He has set me free, and without forgiveness, wounds will never heal. 

You would forgive him for what he's done? 

I will not forgive what he has done, but I must forgive the man. Not for him. For me. Will you free him? 

If that is what you wish... it shall be done.

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