Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Live Lighter: 5 Life Lessons From Cleaning My Apartment

So I am in the middle of a period of cleaning since one of my roommates is moving out and another is moving in. I figure this is a good time to reorganize my stuff and dust etc. This is not the first period of cleaning I have done, nor will it be the last. As I proceed with this cleaning though I have found several life lessons which I hope are useful for you.

1. Slow and Steady Is The Way:

When taken as a whole, a task can be overwhelming and we can feel finishing is impossible, (Impossible either as in large complex and challenging or Impossible as someone's "Impossible Task"), but if we break our tasks into smaller pieces and do one tiny step at a time it can be amazing what we can accomplish. Put away 5 items, Write 1 sentence, Listen to 1 person.

2. Everything Takes More Time

No matter how much time we schedule for a cleaning task (or a life task) it is very likely it will take more time than planned. That is OK. All this means is we need to give ourselves grace and personal deadline extensions. Don't beat yourself up if the task takes extra time. 

3. Recognize And Honor Seasons

When cleaning we often find that we don't have to have everything of a certain category out at the same time. It is great to have a few boxes of stuff neatly put away so we can change things up. For example, changing the color palette of your space can make everything feel new. It is also important that we recognize and honor personal seasons in our lives. What activities and items and thoughts served us well in the past may differ from those which serve us in the present moment. Sometimes a passion needs to be boxed up neatly so we can focus on other things and later we can bring it out once again.

4. Everything Is Better With Music

Depending on the task there is music that calms us down and helps us focus and music that energizes us to keep going as we get lost in the beat. So when in doubt put on your favorite tunes to make your task fly by quicker.

5. It Will Never Be Perfect 

It will never be perfect! The apartment will never be completely clean. The paper will never be perfectly written. The understanding will never be perfectly clear. The personal connection will never be perfectly deep. And that is OK :)

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