Friday, June 26, 2020

Happy Pride Weekend

Happy Pride Weekend

This year Pride looks different
But some truths are always true
You are Loved, You are Beloved, You Belong
Cis-gendered or Transgendered or Non-binary
You are Loved, You are Beloved, You Belong
Ace or Aro or Pan or Poly or Hetero or Gay or Bi
You are Loved, You are Beloved, You Belong
Original or Traditional or Mindbending Bold
You are Loved, You are Beloved, You Belong
Happy Pride Weekend
Put on some cool pride tunes
Dance and Celebrate and Party
Because some truths are always true
You are Loved, You are Beloved, You Belong

A visual list of Pride Resources: 
(I did not create any of these infographics myself)

Some Pride Flag Meanings:

Romantic/Sexual Spectrums: 

Some types of attraction: 

And last but not least I will leave you with a song:

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