Thursday, January 9, 2020

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Lessons for us all

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided for various reasons to step back from their family's business as Royals. In no way am I an expert in "Royals" (and Yes Harry and Meghan will always have many privileges in terms of socio-economic factors that you may not have) but watching this unfold I see reminders we all should hear at the beginning of a new year and a new decade when so many of us have new dreams about what the next chapters in our lives might look like.

1. You can always stop, change, or pivot. Often we feel like there is nothing we can do about a situation, that we are stuck but that is not true. It may not be easy but it can be done.

2. Not all jobs are good fits for everyone. Your job on paper might be great but it still may be a poor fit for you. Sometimes you have to give up the shoulds in order to be your best.

3. Finding our own paths will challenge expectations. Your family may not understand, society may not understand, but in the end following your own path is important.

4. We don't know what others are going through unless we ask. Too often we find the choices that we or others take to be confusing or "out of the blue" but this is because we spend too little time talking to each other and really listening. 

5. "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about." Everyone no matter if they are famous or not, no matter if they have money or not, no matter if everyone knows there battle or not.

6. A meaningful life is a life filled with:

If you don't feel these things in your life then no matter how challenging, no matter your inner fears, no matter what anyone else says you need to stop, change, or pivot. Everyone deserves a meaningful and passion led life, everyone from Harry and Meghan to you to the stranger you don't know. Be Big, Bold, and Amazingly You 

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