Monday, January 14, 2019

Techniques for Change

New Years Resolutions: Something I enjoy and something that many others don't. This year I have found ways to modify lasts years resolutions to make them more doable. Through this process, I have learned a few techniques which are working for me.

1. Incorporate flexibility (The sweet spot):

I have found flexibility is key to creating a set of goals. This year many of my daily resolutions are set up as "Pick One" from a small list. Such as "Pick One": Complete a daily Spanish lesson or a lesson in the online class I am taking that month. I can always do both, with or without it being Christmas (Yes West Wing reference :) ) but only having to do one is more manageable and accomplishable.

2. Examing the Why behind my resolutions:

Last year I had a daily resolution to be creative because I thrive on creativity. I discovered that because it had been a daily resolution I found the quickest/easiest way to check it off each day and while I was doing creative things I was not actually being creative. This year I made being creative a weekly resolution instead and already have seen a difference. One week was a complex coloring page and this week was a watercolor project. Sometimes by examining the Why you find that your time scale was off.

3. Be fun with your organization

Fun is important. I created some worksheets for my daily/weekly/monthly resolutions and each day I use different colored pencils to color them in. (At one point I was thinking of getting tiny stickers like they use in classrooms but even the tiny ones were too big for my lines so I tried plan B) I also have a folder where I will place completed sheets etc so at the end of the year I will have an organized overview of 2019.

Going along with my goal of 2019: A year of magic I decided to buy a journal instead of just using a composition notebook because it is more durable and more fun. The one I got is a "travel" notebook so has pictures and quotes about traveling. The cover looks like an old-time map and fits with the idea of finding magic.

The more fun it is to accomplish your resolutions the more likely I am to actually do it. I am excited about my resolutions this year and I hope you find resolutions which excite you too

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