Thursday, October 10, 2024

World Mental Health Day


World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health 
Education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma. 

I have written blog posts filled with facts and figures, 
Filled with YouTube videos of celebrities talking about mental health, 
Ones exploring mental health and its intersections with characters and fandoms. 

This time I have ended up simply writing a poem to mark the day 
because that is all the "spoons" I have today.

May we all have a meaningful World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day
By Dreaming Ace

Today is World Mental Health Day
A Day to examine our own mental health
And that of our friends, family, communities
Some of us can say we are thriving today
Many more of us would say we are struggling,
We have been struggling, we will continue to struggle
Mental health is not simple, nor easy, nor always clear
What tricks work one day might do harm the next
Sometimes fresh air and rest and nutritious food
Are all that is needed, other times those are impossible
Impossible tasks that only bring more grief and pain
Some of us can mediate or journal or talk to a therapist
Others need to dance or run or create their feelings out
Some need to process and understand their Trauma
Others need to find safety and security and belonging first
Some have the supports and resources to heal
Others have to heal on their own since systems are broken
Personally I often daydream
Personally I often lean on fandoms
Personally I often borrow wisdom / mantra of others
“Gentle, gentle, slow, slow, thoughtful, thoughtful, flow, flow”*
As my north star when the path is covered in shadows
“Gentle, gentle, slow, slow, thoughtful, thoughtful, flow, flow”*
But that does not mean I never feel stuck
But that does not mean I never feel lost
But that does not mean I never feel alone
So if you feel stuck you are not alone in feeling stuck
So if you feel lost you are not alone in feeling lost
So if you feel alone, you are not alone in feeling alone
If you are feeling tired That Is OK
If you are feeling energized That Is OK
If you are feeling somehow That Is OK
Today is World Mental Health Day
A Day to examine our own mental health
And that of our friends, family, communities
A day to honor however we are really doing
A day to honor however we are really feeling
A day to honor our and our communities mental health
Today is World Mental Health Day

*From old Instagram posts by Wentworth Miller

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