Friday, July 26, 2024

Overall Very Enjoyable Opening Ceremony

I watched the Olympics Opening Ceremony this afternoon (I did not watch the prime-time version). Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable and lighthearted opening ceremony, but I see lots of people on social media do not agree. 

Personally, I really enjoyed that it felt like they were following the writing advice to show, not tell. Many opening ceremonies are all about how the host country is clearly the best country since before fire was discovered. This one was more like here are all the things we are known for: buildings, art, music, theater, film, love, etc. You make your own mind about us.

I do wish I knew who the person dressed as a version of Spider-Gwen was climbing the buildings. But I loved that poly relationships were included in the Love section. (I say it was a poly relationship/ ménage à trois.) The opening ceremony also had a much more international feel; as the commentors said during my viewing, normally the flame is carried by only members of the host country; in this case, multiple countries were represented.

I liked the use of boats for the typically very boring walking in part* because it was interspersed with performances. It felt like we were just walking along the Seine, taking in the sights.

I do think 4 hours was long for me, and some of the pacing felt a bit uneven. In the beginning they would do a performance, 3-5 boats would go by, then do another performance. There was a middle section with just boats, which felt like it needed more performances.

Also on a totally personal note, the focus of the commentators on the USA athletes got old for me pretty quick. We have one or two stories I care about, but we are not the underdogs; we are going to win lots of medals because we always do. 

I wanted more focus on all the cool other countries that have never won a medal, never won a gold, or overcame the most to be here, such as those from countries actively being attacked, actively experiencing geocide, the Refugee Olympic Team etc.

(* Let me be clear I am saying watching them walk in can be boring, not that anyone from those countries is boring, nor that everyone should not have their moment in the spotlight.)

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