Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A "Gentle, Gentle" Transitioning From April To May


Gentle, Gentle
Slow, Slow
Thoughtful, Thoughtful
Flow, Flow

Wentworth Miller (Instagram, Summer, 2023)

April is just about done, and while in some areas I did really well (like taking full advantage of everything Chicago has to offer while on "staycation"), other areas I let slide (like completing this month's yoga with Adriene calendar).
But as I look at what I had wanted to do this month, I repeat the above quote from Wentworth Miller to myself and remember that while April was Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month, May is Mental Health Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month. 
And all Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Months should be honored year-round anyway. So I am being "gentle, gentle" with myself for not doing as many awareness, acceptance, and accessibility activities or reading as many autistic books as I had hoped.
Because being "gentle, gentle" with myself and honoring my executive functioning and the number of spoons I had is honoring both Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month and Mental Health Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month.
So as we head off into May, I plan on focusing on my mental health by focusing on my overall health (trying to get back into better eating habits, drinking more water, etc.). I also plan on catching up by reading some of the books I took from the library featuring autistic characters that I did not get to in April.
I can celebrate both Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month and Mental Health Awareness, Acceptance, and Accessibility Month and have a "gentle, gentle" transition from April to May.

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