Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday/Lent


From Stardust/Starlight We Come
To Stardust/Starlight we shall return

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To remember who we always were

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To remember we are Loved, Beloved

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To let go of what doesn’t serve our truth

From Stardust/Starlight We Come
To Stardust/Starlight we shall return

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To walk with ourselves, in our inner world

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To walk with others past, present, future

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To walk with time itself, the universe itself

From Stardust/Starlight We Come
To Stardust/Starlight we shall return

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To dance with Gods, Holy Parents, “I am”s

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To learn from those called Rabbi, Teacher

We enter the period of Lent, 40 days
To let Holy Spirits enter our hearts

From Stardust/Starlight We Come
To Stardust/Starlight we shall return

Today we start the season called Lent. This is a time that is often marked by give things up (such as in a fast) or taking things up (such as adding a devotion/prayer time.) This is a time to grow spiritually in what ever manner that looks like for us. For example I found Queering Ash Wednesday on Facebook today.

There are countless ways you might celebrate the season of Lent. This is a quick list of 50 such ways in no order but which I hope inspires you to pick something that is meaningful for you. 

(Note only choose something if you want to. It is perfectly valid to choose to take a chill lent and say do only one, one-time event/activity instead of feeling like you have to do multiple things each and every day. Plus you can even choose to fast from religion/church for the period of Lent taking time away from church or other religious commitments so you can come back refreshed)
  1. Do a traditional devotional
  2. Create your own devotional
  3. Do yoga or meditation each day
  4. Spend time outside each day
  5. Read a book from a different point of view
  6. Read a poem each day
  7. Read a newspaper/news site each day
  8. Write a poem each day
  9. Write a short story each day
  10. Write a myth each day
  11. Attend a worship space in person
  12. Attend worship from across the world virtually
  13. Make Art each day of Lent
  14. Volunteer each day of Lent
  15. Send an encouraging note/card/letter each day
  16. Dance, Sing, Celebrate
  17. Eat a chocolate covered strawberry each day
  18. Eat bread and grape juice at home each day
  19. Eat your veggies each day
  20. Drink more water each day
  21. Walk a labyrinth, or do a finger labyrinth
  22. Have a cup of tea each day
  23. Meatless Mondays or Fishy Fridays
  24. Donate/Toss one items each day that doesn't bring joy
  25. Make one homemade meal each week
  26. Make one new recipe each week
  27. Use lotion each day
  28. Burn candles each day
  29. Only Buy local
  30. Only Eat out at BIPOC owned restaurants
  31. Go to art galleries
  32. Go to art museums
  33. Go and explore public art
  34. Try therapy for the first time
  35. Call someone you have not spoken to in a long time
  36. Check in with your own physical and mental health
  37. Check in with those with mental health challenges
  38. Check in with those who are home bound
  39. Visit those who are sick or in prison
  40. Hang out with pets/animals/et al
  41. Explore another culture
  42. Explore what brings you Joy
  43. Explore how to be create
  44. Explore how to let go of trauma
  45. Explore your family history
  46. Fast from negativity
  47. Fast from self doubt
  48. Fast from perfectionism
  49. Fast from excess social media
  50. Fast from buying new (non-food items) 

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