Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Vaccinated: Now What?


Today I received my second Covid shot. So first a shout out to my roommate who rented a car and drove both times so we could both get vaccinated, and second a shout out to Umiya Mataji a temple in West Chicago (Note: While West Chicago sounds like it is a part of Chicago in truth it is not and I have not yet googled what is up with its name) which provided the vaccinations plus had a really funny doctor which made the whole process enjoyable. 

I understand why it is important that we all get vaccinated to protect ourselves and those in our communities but being vaccinated is not a clear cut "The End" rolling at the end of a film. This year of Pandemic has been quite the journey and it will be interesting to see what happens next.

So where have I come from/where am I going? 

Most of 2020 

While Covid was a bit stressful, overall I ended up thriving because opportunities (The Arts, Conferences, Talks, Events ....) came right into my home via the virtual realm and I got a break from having to spend time socializing. Covid was a nice excuse to stay close to home and avoid interacting with people in person outside my roommates. 

Early 2021

I got Covid which was a miserable few weeks. Grateful for roommates, friends, and family that took good care of me.

Early 2021- Vaccination/Post-Vaccination World

I have experienced various typical post-Covid minor challenges pop up but it has mainly been a head game thinking about the post-vaccinated world. Like many people in many ways the post-vaccinated world feels a lot more stressful. I got into good rhythms that worked well for me but which are changing as collectively we move into this new stage. 

I am still thinking about what comes next but in summary

  1. Everyone should get vaccinated!!!
  2. I got both vaccinations and therefore will shortly move into the post-vaccinated world
  3. I do not know what the post-vaccinated world is really going to bring and I think for better or worst it is going to be an adventure.

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