Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday The 13th


Today is a day that some find Lucky and some find Unlucky. In general I consider it Lucky. Here are a selection of understandings of the Number 13 just for fun.

Numerology (Positive View)

The energy of 13 tends to resonate best when pursuing its goals without interference. It generally knows what it wants and can gain support for its goals from others.

As an overview, the numerology number 13's basic meaning or essence is a composition containing the ideas of Focus, Pragmatism, Building a secure foundation, Independence, and Creative self-expression

13 Angel Number* (Positive View)

(*Note I have never heard of this angel system before but works for this post talking about the number 13 LOL)

The number 13 is a karmic number. If the power of this number is used for selfish reasons, this number can bring disaster and destruction to the person who misused its power, causing this person illness and disease.

The angel number 13 indicates that you have probably gone through some difficulties and the angels are encouraging you to believe that all will be well soon.

They are guiding you to believe in the possibility of turning your problems and hurts, into something good which will help you move forward in your life.

In Western Culture (Negative View) 

From what I am reading it really comes down to poor Judas, because Judas was the 13th at the last supper 13 than became bad luck. This is silly because 13 as a number and concept has been around long before Christianity. (And because Judas gets a bad rap, he made a poor choice, that he was forced or not forced to make to make sure "the plan" God had happened and that could be a whole different blog post) 

In the end, all I can hope is on this Friday the 13th, you find luck and joy and positive change. 

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