Friday, May 31, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Roundup


My Mental Health Awareness Month Roundup
By Dreaming Ace

This was a month filled with #selflove / #mentalhealth
Remembering that mental health includes physical health
Cooking projects, yummy meals, and lots of nice walks

This was a month filled with #selflove / #mentalhealth
Remembering that mental health includes our space's health
Cleaning and organizing and sorting and sharing with others

This was a month filled with #selflove / #mentalhealth
Remembering that mental health includes intellectual health
Webinars and podcasts and films on many different topics

This was a month filled with #selflove / #mentalhealth
Remembering that mental health includes creative health
Reading and writing and doing art projects and listening to music

This was a month filled with #selflove / #mentalhealth
Remembering that mental health includes spirit health too
Being "gentle, gentle", Being kind to myself
Working to let go of what no longer serves

What did Mental Health Awareness Month 
Look like for you?
Feel like for you?
Dream like for you?

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