Friday, November 26, 2021

Being Thankful: What We Already Have


Today is the day after Thanksgiving. This year I am flipping this day around and using it to focus on simplifying and organizing instead of buying a ton more "stuff". 

As I get a million and one "Black Friday" emails I am using it as an opportunity to unsubscribe from lists that I forgot I was on or from lists that no longer bring me joy. Which will help simplify my inbox going forward.

I am "thrifting" within my own apartment. This came to be because I was looking for a few items at a thrift store earlier in the week, did not find any, but realized I had more in those categories than I thought at home. 

So over the course of this weekend I am taking out all my clothing and switching summer items for winter items, seeing what I have in many of these categories, and seeing what no longer serves and I can donate both helping others and organizing my own spaces. 

Note: I have a small space and a manageable amount of stuff, if you have lots of stuff you don't have to take it all out at once LOL. Also this is part of a planned deep clean of my room for the new year which is also giving me more motivation to go a bit deeper than normal.

I am looking at what food I have post Thanksgiving and what new creations I can make with that food. Also I am thinking about the various holiday baking I want to do and what supplies I will need to pick up for those yummy projects

I am doing an inventory of the holiday stuff I have so I can enjoy holiday candles, or lotions, or decorations this holiday season. I have many items to make a festive season which means I don't need to buy a lot of stuff. 

So while "Black Friday" is often a day filled with shopping this year I am using it to organize my spaces and be grateful for the items I already have available to me. This feels like a meaningful way to launch the start of the Holiday season

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